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Social Security Online

Code of Federal Regulations

CFR 20 Title Page

SSA logo: link to Social Security Online home  §410.705 Duplicate claims.

(a) Approved by the Social Security Administration—denied or pending with the Office of Workers' Compensation Programs. A person whose part B claim for benefits was approved by the Social Security Administration and who also filed a part C claim with the Office of Workers' Compensation Programs which is pending or has been denied shall be entitled to a review of the part C claim by the Office of Workers' Compensation Programs under the BLBRA of 1977.

(b) Denied or pending with the Social Security Administration—approved by the Office of Workers' Compensation Programs. A person who has filed a part B claim with the Social Security Administration which is pending or has been denied and who has also filed a part C claim with the Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, which has been approved, shall be entitled, upon request, to a review of the pending or denied part B claim in light of the BLBRA of 1977 by either the Social Security Administration or the Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, in accordance with this subpart.

(c) Pending or denied by the Social Security Administration and the Office of Workers' Compensation Programs. A person who has filed a claim both with the Social Security Administration and the Office of Workers' Compensation Programs and whose claims are either pending with or have been denied by both agencies shall have the claim reviewed under the BLBRA of 1977 by the Social Security Administration if such review is requested by the claimant. If the claim is not approved by the Social Security Administration it shall be forwarded to the Office of Workers' Compensation Programs for further review as provided in §410.704(e)(2). During the pendency of review proceedings by the Social Security Administration, if any, no action shall be taken by the Secretary of Labor with respect to the part C claim which is pending or has been denied by DOL. If the claimant does not respond to notification of his or her right to review by the Social Security Administration within 6 months of the notice (see §410.704(c)) unless the period is enlarged for good cause shown, the Office of Workers' Compensation Programs shall proceed under DOL's regulations at 20 CFR part 727 to review the claim originally filed with the Secretary of Labor. If the claimant, upon notification by the Social Security Administration of his or her right to review (see §410.704(a)) requests that the claim originally filed with the Social Security Administration be forwarded to the Office of Workers' Compensation Programs for review, or if more than one claim has been filed with the Secretary of Labor by the same claimant, such claims shall be merged and processed with the first claim filed with the Office of Workers' Compensation Programs.

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Last reviewed or modified Wednesday Sep 17, 2008

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