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USAID: From The American People Environment title Program empowers residents to resolve an environmental problem - Click to read this story

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Environmental Management Systems and Pollution Prevention in Romania (EMS & P2)

Several people are standing together talking in the left foreground; green and blue die vats and pipes can be seen in the background. Photo Source: Avrom Bendavid-Val
Project staff in discussion on a visit to a pigments factory in Oradea,

This $1,030,000 activity was conducted from 2001 to 2003 in order to increase environmental management capacity to sustain economic growth in Romania. The key achievements included:

  1. EMSs implemented in pilot enterprises;
  2. major water-related P2 actions undertaken in pilot enterprises;
  3. emergency preparedness and response plans in prepared by pilot enterprises;
  4. improved regulatory compliance, especially regarding water, in pilot enterprises; and
  5. documented cost savings in pilot enterprises

In response to two major industrial water pollution events in Romania in 1999, this project was designed to help establish, demonstrate, and promote awareness of environmental management systems (EMS) and pollution prevention (P2) practices among Romanian industries, water utilities, and environmental agencies, with a special emphasis on reducing pollution and risk of environmental emergencies on Romania’s rivers. Four heavily polluting industrial facilities and two local water utilities were selected as pilot enterprises. The pilot enterprises were assisted to establish EMSs and P2 activities in their facilities, to monitor the associated environmental and business performance improvements, and to report on their experiences to other enterprises throughout the country. Extensive training and TA was provided to the pilot enterprises and to the staffs of related Environmental Inspectorates and local NGOs.

The project features carefully targeted use of world-class EMS and P2 experts from the U.S.; broad stakeholder participation; heavy reliance on Romanian nationals and environmental consulting companies for project implementation; and a built-in rollout and dissemination plan.


The activity achieved the following:
  • Pilot enterprises completed a first environmental management systems cycle and began a second;
  • Pilot enterprises completed pollution prevention activities;
  • All pilot enterprises participated in four formal training programs from one day to one week in duration, and received at least three weeks of on-site training and/or TA;
  • Environmental Inspectors participated in multiple three training programs;
  • Pilot enterprises collectively were projected to have achieved the following environmental and business performance benefits as a result of their participation in the project:
    • Annual water savings: 1,960,838 cubic meters
    • Annual energy savings: 142 Mega Watts
    • Annual reductions in pollution:
      Phenols: 15 tons/year
      Sulfuric acid: 24 tons/year
      Zinc Oxide: 9 tons/year
      CODs in WW reduced from 40,000 to 8,000 mg/l
      NH4 in WW reduced from 60,000 to 10,000 mg/l
      Cross-contaminated water in WW reduced by nearly 50 percent
    • Annual cost savings: $140,000

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Mon, 26 Feb 2007 11:38:06 -0500