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American Health Information Community

Confidentiality, Privacy, and Security Workgroup


Summary of the 15th Web Conference of This Workgroup

Thursday, November 8, 2007


1. Call to Order and Welcome

Judy Sparrow, AHIC Director, opened the meeting at 1:04 PM. She reminded those present that this meeting is designed to meet the requirements of the Federal Advisory Committee Act. Workgroup members then introduced themselves.

2. Approval of Prior Meeting Summary/Opening Remarks

Kirk Nahra, Co-Chair of the Confidentiality, Privacy, and Security (CPS) Workgroup, welcomed participants. Workgroup members were asked to approve the summary from the Workgroup’s September meeting; any questions or comments on this summary should be submitted to Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) staff so that it can be finalized.

3. Health Information Exchange Panel Presentations and Discussion

Mr. Nahra introduced this panel with the goal of obtaining information about what can be done or what is being done in the HIE environment as it pertains to individual rights and uses and disclosures of information. These presentations are available on the CPS website at:

Amy Zimmerman, Rhode Island Department of Health, provided an overview of the development of the Rhode Island Health Information Exchange (RI HIE). A summary of important points covered during the question and answer period follows.

Gregory Farnum and Anne Cramer, Vermont Information Technology Leaders, Inc. (VITL), presented on the pharmacy claims and medication history service being provided through a partnership with GE Healthcare. Comments and questions:

James Golden, Minnesota Department of Health, discussed the impact of changes in health privacy laws on the Minnesota Health Information Exchange (MN HIE). Comments and questions for Dr. Golden included:

Jac Davies, Inland Northwest Services, presented on a shared services model for leveraging resources. Questions and comments after this presentation included:

Vicki Estrin, Vanderbilt Center for Better Health, presented on the MidSouth eHealth Alliance in Memphis, Tennessee. Comments and questions for Ms. Estrin included:

The discussion was then opened to general comments and questions for the whole panel:

Mr. Nahra then thanked the participants for a helpful and informative discussion.

4. Workgroup Discussion

Deven McGraw, Co-chair, commented that to the extent that the workgroup is developing recommendations regarding possible changes to HIPAA for an HIE environment, it may be helpful to discuss the common elements among the wide variety of models presented. Workgroup member comments included:

Action Item #1: ONC staff will develop a matrix of approaches used by the HIE models, such as opt-in and opt-out policies, to be used during future workgroup discussions.

The workgroup then discussed how to use this information to advance the scenarios discussed at previous meetings. With the information at hand, they attempted to resolve those outstanding questions. Mr. Nahra summarized two outstanding issues:

Mr. Nahra requested that workgroup members continue thinking about what the issues are and what information still is needed for the workgroup to deliberate the issue.

Action Item #2: WG will contact ONC if they have suggestions for testimony or other information sources for the next meeting.

5. Planning for Next Meeting

Mr. Nahra stated that the next meeting is scheduled for January 24th. The co-chairs will meet before this meeting to discuss the course of action for the workgroup.

6. Public Comment


7. Adjourn

Mr. Nahra thanked the participants, and the meeting was adjourned at 4:49 p.m.


Action Item #1: ONC staff will develop a matrix of approaches used by the HIE models, such as opt-in and opt-out policies, to be used during future workgroup discussions.

Action Item #2: WG members will contact ONC if they have suggestions for testimony or other information sources for the next meeting.




10/4/07 CPS Workgroup Meeting Summary

Confidentiality, Privacy, and Security Workgroup

Members and Designees Participating in the Web Conference

Jodi Daniel HHS / Office of the National Coordinator
Steven Davis Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services
Jill Callahan Dennis American Health Information Management Association
Don Detmer American Medical Informatics Association
Elizabeth Holland (for Tony Trenkle) HHS / Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
John Houston University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics
Susan McAndrew HHS/Office for Civil Rights
David McDaniel VA/Veterans Health Administration
Deven McGraw National Partnership for Women and Families
Kirk Nahra Wiley Rein LLP
Deborah Parris (for Flora Terrell Hamilton) Family & Medical Counseling Service
Alison Rein AcademyHealth
Paul Uhrig SureScripts
Thomas Wilder America’s Health Insurance Plans
Amy Zimmerman Rhode Island Department of Health
Greg Farnum and Anne Cramer Vermont Information Technology Leaders, Inc.
James Golden Minnesota Department of Health
Jac Davies Inland Northwest Health Services
Vicki Estrin Vanderbilt Center for Better Health

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