News Release

Media Contact: Fred Strohl
Communications and External Relations

ORNL researcher wins first Biemann Medal

OAK RIDGE, Tenn., May 19, 1997 — Scott A. McLuckey of the Department of Energy's (DOE) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is the inaugural recipient of the Biemann Medal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry.

Recently established to honor Klaus Biemann, the "father of biological mass spectrometry," the medal will be awarded annually in recognition of significant achievement in basic or applied mass spectrometry.

McLuckey has been head of Analytical Spectroscopy in ORNL's Chemical and Analytical Sciences Division since 1992. He previously was a research staff member for six years in the same division. He also was a visiting scientist to the Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

He has won numerous awards in his field, including the Lockheed Martin Energy Systems Inventor's Award and a Eugene P. Wigner Fellowship. He is a member of the American Chemical Society, the ACS Analytical Chemistry Division and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

McLuckey earned his bachelor's degree in chemistry from Westminster College (New Wilmington, Pa.) and his doctorate from Purdue University.

His current research interests are in the areas of gas-phase ion chemistry and instrumentation for organic and biological mass spectrometry.

McLuckey lives in Oak Ridge with his wife, Jean, and their children, Morgan and Ian.

ORNL, one of DOE's multiprogram national research and development facilities, is managed by Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation.