News Release

Media Contact: Marty Goolsby
Communications and External Relations

M. J. Saltmarsh Named Director of Fusion Energy and Fusion Program At ORNL

OAK RIDGE, Tenn., Feb. 13, 1995 — Dr. Michael J. Saltmarsh has been named director of the Fusion Energy Division and the fusion program at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).

He has been director of ORNL's Office of Planning and Management since 1992. Saltmarsh will be responsible for a broad range of research and development programs aimed at establishing fusion as a safe and environmentally acceptable energy source for the future.

Saltmarsh received a bachelor of arts degree in physics and a doctorate in nuclear physics from the University of Oxford. He previously worked at the University of Grenoble in France and CERN in Switzerland. He joined ORNL in 1968. His experience at ORNL includes experimental work in nuclear, pion, atomic and heavy ion physics; radiation damage to materials; and fusion plasmas. He was responsible for the ISX tokamak and ATF stellarator experiments, and was associate division director from 1989 to 1992.

He is a member of the American Physical Society.

Saltmarsh lives in Oak Ridge with his wife, Sheila. They have a son and a daughter.

ORNL, one of DOE's multiprogram national research and development facilities, is managed by Martin Marietta Energy Systems, which also manages the Oak Ridge K-25 Site and the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant.