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Code of Federal Regulations |
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Subpart A—Introduction | |
Sec. | |
| Scope. |
| What is the purpose of the Ticket to Work program? |
| How is the Ticket to Work program implemented? |
| Definitions of terms used in this part. |
Subpart B—Tickets Under the Ticket to Work Program | |
| What is a ticket under the Ticket to Work program? |
| Who is eligible to receive a ticket under the Ticket to Work program? |
| How will SSA distribute tickets under the Ticket to Work program? |
| What do I do when I receive a ticket? |
| When can I assign my ticket and how? |
| Once my ticket has been assigned to an EN or State VR agency, can it be taken out of assignment? |
| Can I reassign my ticket to a different EN or the State VR agency? |
| When does my ticket terminate? |
Subpart C—Suspension of Continuing Disability Reviews for Beneficiaries Who are Using a Ticket | |
Introduction | |
| What does this subpart do? |
| How does being in the Ticket to Work program affect my continuing disability reviews? |
| Glossary of terms used in this subpart. |
Definition of Using a Ticket | |
| When does the period of using a ticket begin? |
| When does the period of using a ticket end? |
| What if I assign my ticket after a continuing disability review has begun? |
Guidelines for Timely Progress Toward Self-Supporting Employment | |
| What is timely progress toward self-supporting employment? |
| How much do I need to earn to be considered to be working? |
| How is it determined if I am meeting the timely progress guidelines? |
| Table summarizing the guidelines for timely progress toward self-supporting employment. |
| How will the PM conduct my 24-month progress review? |
| How will the PM conduct my 12-month progress reviews? |
| What if I disagree with the PM's decision about whether I am making timely progress toward self-supporting employment? |
Failure To Make Timely Progress | |
| What happens if I do not make timely progress toward self-supporting employment? |
The Extension Period | |
| What if my ticket is no longer assigned to an EN or State VR agency? |
| What if I reassign my ticket after the end of the extension period? |
Subpart D—Use of One or More Program Managers To Assist in Administration of the Ticket to Work Program | |
| What is a PM? |
| What qualifications are required of a PM? |
| What limitations are placed on a PM? |
| What are a PM's responsibilities under the Ticket to Work program? |
Evaluation of Program Manager Performance | |
| How will SSA evaluate a PM? |
Subpart E—Employment Networks | |
| What is an EN? |
| Who is eligible to be an EN? |
| How does an entity other than a State VR agency apply to be an EN and who will determine whether an entity qualifies as an EN? |
| What are the minimum qualifications necessary to be an EN? |
| What are an EN's responsibilities as a participant in the Ticket to Work program? |
| Under what conditions will SSA terminate an agreement with an EN due to inadequate performance? |
| What reporting requirements are placed on an EN as a participant in the Ticket to Work program? |
| How will SSA evaluate an EN's performance? |
Subpart F—State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies' Participation | |
Participation in the Ticket to Work Program | |
| Must a State VR agency participate in the Ticket to Work program? |
| What payment options does a State VR agency have under the Ticket to Work program? |
| How does a State VR agency become an EN? |
| How does a State VR agency notify SSA about its choice of a payment system for use when functioning as an EN? |
| Does a State VR agency ever have to function as an EN? |
| Does a State VR agency continue to provide services under the requirements of the State plan approved under title I of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. 720 et seq.), when functioning as an EN? |
Ticket Status | |
| What does a State VR agency do if the State VR agency wants to determine whether a person seeking services has a ticket? |
| What does a State VR agency do if a beneficiary who is eligible for VR services has a ticket that is available for assignment or reassignment? |
| What does a State VR agency do if a beneficiary to whom it is already providing services has a ticket that is available for assignment? |
| Is a State VR agency required to provide periodic reports? |
Referrals by Employment Networks to State VR Agencies | |
| Can an EN to which a beneficiary's ticket is assigned refer the beneficiary to a State VR agency for services? |
Agreements Between Employment Networks and State VR Agencies | |
| When does an agreement between an EN and the State VR agency have to be in place? |
| Does each referral from an EN to a State VR agency require its own agreement? |
| Who will verify the establishment of agreements between ENs and State VR agencies? |
| What information should be included in an agreement between an EN and a State VR agency? |
| What should a State VR agency do if it gets an attempted referral from an EN and no agreement has been established between the EN and the State VR agency? |
| What should the PM do when it is informed that an EN has attempted to make a referral to a State VR agency without an agreement being in place? |
Resolving Disputes Arising Under Agreements Between Employment Networks and State VR Agencies | |
| How will disputes arising under the agreements between ENs and State VR agencies be resolved? |
Subpart G—Requirements for Individual Work Plans | |
| What is an Individual Work Plan? |
| What is the purpose of an IWP? |
| Who is responsible for determining what information is contained in the IWP? |
| What are the minimum requirements for an IWP? |
| When does an IWP become effective? |
Subpart H—Employment Network Payment Systems | |
| Definitions of terms used in this subpart. |
| How is an EN paid by SSA? |
| How is the State VR agency paid under the Ticket to Work program? |
| Can the EN change its elected payment system? |
| How are beneficiaries whose tickets are assigned to an EN affected by a change in that EN's elected payment system? |
| How are the EN payments calculated under each of the two EN payment systems? |
| How will the outcome payments be reduced when paid under the outcome-milestone payment system? |
| What are the milestones for which an EN can be paid? |
| What are the payment amounts for each of the milestones? |
| What are the payment amounts for outcome payment months under the outcome-milestone payment system? |
| What are the payment amounts for outcome payment months under the outcome payment system? |
| Can the EN keep the milestone and outcome payments even if the beneficiary does not achieve all 60 outcome months? |
| Is it possible to pay a milestone or outcome payment to more than one EN? |
| What happens if two or more ENs qualify for payment on the same ticket but have elected different EN payment systems? |
| Can an EN request payment from the beneficiary who assigned a ticket to the EN? |
| How does the EN request payment for milestones or outcome payment months achieved by a beneficiary who assigned a ticket to the EN? |
| Can an EN receive payments for milestones or outcome payment months that occur before the beneficiary assigns a ticket to the EN? |
| Can a State VR agency and an EN both receive payment for serving the same beneficiary? |
| Which provider will SSA pay if, with respect to the same ticket, SSA receives a request for payment from an EN or a State VR agency that elected payment under an EN payment system and a request for payment from a State VR agency that elected payment under the cost reimbursement payment system? |
| What can an EN do if the EN disagrees with our decision on a payment request? |
| What oversight procedures are planned for the EN payment systems? |
| Will SSA periodically review the outcome payment system and the outcome-milestone payment system for possible modifications? |
Subpart I—Ticket to Work Program Dispute Resolution | |
Disputes Between Beneficiaries and Employment Networks | |
| Is there a process for resolving disputes between beneficiaries and ENs that are not State VR agencies? |
| What are the responsibilities of the EN that is not a State VR agency regarding the dispute resolution process? |
| When should a beneficiary receive information on the procedures for resolving disputes? |
| How will a disputed issue be referred to the PM? |
| How long does the PM have to recommend a resolution to the dispute? |
| Can the beneficiary or the EN that is not a State VR agency request a review of the PM's recommendation? |
| Is SSA's decision final? |
| Can a beneficiary be represented in the dispute resolution process under the Ticket to Work program? |
Disputes Between Beneficiaries and State VR Agencies | |
| Do the dispute resolution procedures of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. 720 et seq.), apply to beneficiaries seeking services from the State VR agency? |
Disputes Between Employment Networks and Program Managers | |
| Is there a process for resolving disputes between ENs that are not State VR agencies and PMs, other than disputes on a payment request? |
| How will the PM refer the dispute to us? |
| Is SSA's decision final? |
Subpart J—The Ticket to Work Program and Alternate Participants Under the Programs for Payments for Vocational Rehabilitation Services | |
| What is an alternate participant? |
| Can an alternate participant become an EN? |
| How will an alternate participant choose to participate as an EN in the Ticket to Work program? |
| If an alternate participant becomes an EN, will beneficiaries for whom an employment plan was signed prior to implementation be covered under the Ticket to Work program payment provisions? |
| If an alternate participant chooses not to become an EN, can it continue to function under the programs for payments for VR services? |
| If an alternate participant becomes an EN and it has signed employment plans, both as an alternate participant and an EN, how will SSA pay for services provided under each employment plan? |
| What happens if an alternate participant signed an employment plan with a beneficiary before Ticket to Work program implementation in the State and the required period of substantial gainful activity is not completed by January 1, 2004? |
AUTHORITY: Sec. 1148 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1320b-19); sec. 101(b)-(e), Pub. L. 106-170, 113 Stat. 1860, 1873 (42 U.S.C. 1320b-19 note).
SOURCE: 66 FR 67420, Dec. 28, 2001, unless otherwise noted.
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Last reviewed or modified Wednesday Sep 17, 2008 |