News Release

Media Contact: Fred Strohl
Communications and External Relations

ORNL project coordinator earns international honor

OAK RIDGE, Tenn., Jan. 18, 2000 — Sherry Bartley Wright, project coordinator for Global Change and Developing Country Programs at the Department of Energy's (DOE) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), was presented an international trophy by the International Energy Agency (IEA) for the third time in the last four years.

On behalf of DOE, Wright operates the U.S. Liaison Office for the International Greenhouse Gas Emission-reducing Technology Information Exchange (GREENTIE), which was named the International Liaison Office of the Year for the third time in four years. The award was announced in November 1999 at a meeting of IEA's Energy Efficiency Technology Information Centers program in London.

GREENTIE is the principal international information system for clean energy technologies with 37 national members. The U.S. Liaison Office is responsible for representing U.S. technologies and firms in the Internet-accessible data base. U.S. entries now represent 44 percent of the GREENTIE total of about 7,700 entries, which is the largest number from any of the participating nations.

Wright joined ORNL in August 1972. She earned a bachelor's degree in business from Cumberland (Ky.) College. She resides in Clinton with her husband, Doug. Their daughter, Kristen, is a freshman at Maryville College in Tennessee.

ORNL is a DOE multiprogram research facility and is managed by Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation.
