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USAID Water Activities

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Reports to Congress

Because of the significance of water to sustainable development, water issues have received increased global emphasis following the 2002 World Summit for Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg. U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell announced a Presidential Signature Initiative on Water at WSSD that directs many of USAID’s investments and interventions overseas. As a result, Congress requests annual reporting on USAID’s water obligations in particular activity categories (drinking water supply and sanitation, for example).

USAID Investments in Drinking Water Supply Projects and Related Activities

This report to the House and Senate Appropriations Committees documents the activities and investments that USAID has made in response to a Congressional earmark making 100 million dollars available for drinking water supply and sanitation activities to protect human health across the globe. Illustrative projects and activities are described, and the USAID budget is documented at both regional and country levels.

Final 2007 Report (PDF 512k)
Final 2006 Report (PDF 760k)
Final 2005 Report (PDF 2.044mb)
2005 Report (PDF 248k)
2004 Report (PDF 228k)
2003 Report (PDF 308k)

USAID’s Water Portfolio: Promoting Clean Water and Efficient Use of Freshwater and Coastal Resources (2003)

This report documents the breadth of USAID’s activities, as well as the dollar amount of Agency investments, in the areas of water and human health, irrigated agriculture, coastal zone management, integrated water resources management, disaster preparedness, and drought and flood forecasting worldwide. It describes how USAID is meeting the goals set out in the Presidential Water for the Poor Initiative, and presents examples of USAID programs and activities targeted toward the sustainable use and management of water resources.

(PDF 1.184mb)

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Mon, 11 Aug 2008 13:54:57 -0500