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Presidential Management Fellows Program
SSA Program Requirements


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The Social Security Administration (SSA) has planned a well-structured and accelerated program for the Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) who choose a career at this Agency. The requirements of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and our requirements have been combined to ensure the PMF' success with in the target position as well as in future leadership roles.

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Upon reporting to duty, the new class of PMF will be placed in the GS-301 job series under the Office of the Deputy Commissioner for Human Resources for 2 years. Final job placement will be within the home-based (hiring) component. The entire 2-year period counts as qualifying experience. It is the responsibility of the home-based (hiring) component to ensure that the PMF is acquiring the skills for successful performance at the projected grade level of the target position.


A mentor will be assigned to each PMF who will provide guidance and direction throughout the 2-year program.


The IDP process will be discussed during the orientation. All PMF, in conjunction with their assigned mentors, will complete an IDP which covers the entire 2-year period. The IDP will identify the PMF' target position/area and the developmental activities (on-the-job training and training courses) which will ensure their success at the full performance level of the target position. (Return to top)

Required Assignments:
  1. One rotational assignment outside target position

  2. One rotational assignment in a Field Office which has direct contact (face-to-face) with the public; PMF who are assigned to a Field Office will take one rotational assignment in the Regional Office

Additional Rotational Assignments:
Additional rotational assignments are identified based upon developmental requirements and mutual agreement between the PMF, the mentor, and the hiring component.

OPM/PMF Orientation Program:

The OPM/PMF Program staff hosts three orientation programs in Shepherdstown, West Virginia generally in October, November, and January. Attendance at one of the sessions is required.

SSA Orientation Program:

The SSA Orientation Program is scheduled in October. Attendance is required for all PMF who have reported on duty by that time. PMF who enter on duty after the orientation will attend the next scheduled session. (Return to top)

Required Training:
Program Fundamentals:
  • All PMF are required to take this training which provides the background on the programs administered by SSA. The length of this course can be either the: 4-day, 3-week, or 13 week traditional offering. The mentor and the hiring component, in collaboration with the PMF will determine which version is required to meet the developmental requirements of the PMF' target position. The completion of this training is necessary preparation for the Field Office assignment.
  • Core Training Program:
    The Office of Training hosts Core training, generally in Baltimore, MD. The objective of Core training is to provide the PMF with group training on key leadership competencies. Attendance is required.

    Additional Training:

    Training is available "24 x 7" through SSA GoLearn, the Agency's online training site. Courses may be taken at home, or with an approved IDP, a PMF may complete SSA GoLearn courses at work. In addition, SSA offers a variety of online video tele-training and video cassette training courses.

    Job Specific Training:
    The hiring component will provide any required job-specific training.

    At the end of the 2 years, OPM will host a graduation ceremony generally in early March in Washington, DC. Attendance is not required.

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    Last reviewed or modified Monday Jan 14, 2008
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