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Points of Contact

John O. Wilson
ANE Bureau Environmental Officer

Barney P. Popkin
ANE Environmental Specialist

Mary Melnyk
ANE Natural Resources Manager



Environmentally Sound Design for Practitioners

Special Environmental Assessment Scoping Team from the Regional MEO/Mission Staff training, Cairo15-17 February 2005
Special Environmental Assessment Scoping Team from the Regional MEO/Mission Staff training, Cairo15-17 February 2005

Upcoming Events

February 26-29, 2008
Bangkok, Thailand

4-day Regional Reg. 216-Pesticide-Food Safety Management Training

For more information, contact Barney Popkin.


USAID promotes environmentally sound design by requiring application of environmental assessment processes at the program, project and activity design stages. Early environmental considerations increase long-term sustainability of development interventions and help avoid costly design errors and expensive mitigation. Implementation monitoring and reporting leads to adaptive management actions for unforseen conditions.

USAID's Asia and the Near East Bureau supports efforts to increase sustainability through the dissemination of 'best environmental management practices and implementing project environmental mitigation and monitoring plans.

The USAID Asia & Near East Bureau Office of Technical Support (ANE/TS) has established this website to build environmental assessment and management capacity in Asia and the Near East.

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Wed, 13 Feb 2008 09:00:25 -0500