RHIC Spin Group

in the BNL Physics Department
Supported by the DOE Medium Energy Group

The purpose of the RHIC Spin Group is to provide leadership and support for the RHIC spin program at BNL, and to provide for the common requirements of the spin program, particularly for polarimetry. STAR spin, PHENIX spin, and polarimetry are combined within one group.
The goal of the RHIC spin program is to understand the spin structure of the proton, using the strongly interacting probes, quarks and gluons, of one colliding proton to probe the structure of the other colliding proton.

Positions Available

Group Members

Scientific Accomplishments and DOE Milestones

Four Year Research Plan


Recent Talks and Presentations

RHIC Spin Group Review, BNL July 19, 2007.

RHIC Spin Group Review, DOE, Washington D.C., May 11, 2006

RHIC Science and Technology Review, BNL, July 25, 2006

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These pages maintained by Ron Gill
Last Modified: July 25, 2008