Press Room


December 11, 2001


As I look back over the last three months, I am proud of our country. And I am especially proud of the one hundred and sixty thousand employees of the Treasury Department. Our colleagues showed incredible courage and fortitude in the face of devastation, giving every thing they had to the rescue effort. One of our own here at Treasury gave his life that day. Many others still carry scars, both inside and out.

Since September 11, we have joined together, within the Department and across the government, to bring our collective strength and determination to bear on the problems before us. Whether it is guarding our borders, protecting our leaders, attacking the sources of terrorist funding, or maintaining our nation's economic and financial health, you all play an essential role in the fight against terrorism.

I often feel that we are lucky. Every day, we come to work and do our part to defeat the evildoers who would destroy our way of life. Millions of American not in public service don't get that satisfaction every day.

Everywhere I go, Americans of every age come up to me and say they want to help. We've seen an amazing outpouring of charity from across the nation, and an increase in the number of people who want to do public service. These are all healthy trends for our nation and our government.

Today we are unveiling the Patriot Bond - an opportunity for all Americans to contribute to the government's war effort and save for their futures as well. I'd like to thank the Senators here today - Senator Johnson, Senator McConnell and Senator Burns -- as well as Congressman John Sweeney who couldn't be with us for this event. And I'd also like to recognize Commissioner Zeck from the Bureau of Public Debt, who will make these bonds available to everyone.

These posters behind me bring back memories of days long gone. And yet the patriotism these images represent burns as brightly today as ever, fueling our determination to see this war on terrorism through to it end.

Today, three months after those horrific attacks, we stand firmly together as Americans resolved to protect the freedoms that make this nation a beacon of hope in the world.