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Unplugging Indiana Kids

posted Wednesday, July 7, 2008 by Stacy Duke

Kids Unplugged participants wait for instructions with their new backpacks.

The Hoosier sponsored a program to bring elementary children out to the Forest.

On April 30th, 2008 the Hoosier National Forest provided an all expense paid fieldtrip for local 5th and 6th graders, through a new outdoor program called Kids Unplugged. Kids Unplugged is a program initiated in 2008 that targets underserved, urban schools within the Hoosier's largest communities-Bedford and Bloomington. A total of 132 students, six teachers and numerous parent chaperones were bussed out to the Hardin Ridge Recreation Area for a day of hands-on outdoor learning sessions.

Ten stations ranging from campfire cooking to outdoor games were offered, with each student participating in four of the stations. "My favorite station was the reptile one because we got to touch a snake. I never thought I would ever touch one but I did!" a student commented in a thank you letter to the Hoosier. In addition to free transportation, each participant received lunch and a backpack full of supplies to take home to help interest them in getting outside once the fieldtrip was over.

Teachers were pleased with the "well educated staff and the highly motivated students throughout the day." Feedback and evaluation was very positive and also useful in measuring the value of this program. The Kids Unplugged program was initiated in response to the Forest Services' initiative to get more kids outside.

In addition to the field trip during the school day for the two schools, free transportation was also offered from each school to two other Forest events - International Migratory Bird Day and the Hoosier Fishing Derby to encourage the kids and their families to attend each of these events as well. Kids from both schools with their families attended each of these events as well.

Several partners contributed to the program in various ways, in addition to Hoosier staff. Six of the ten sessions were lead by other agencies; Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Monroe County YMCA, Monroe County Parks & Recreation, The Adventure Center, and Muscatatuck Wildlife Refuge. Others participated through donations; Wal-Mart, Indiana University Outdoor Adventures and Camp Maumee Boy Scout Camp.