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Wayne NF partners with Ohio DNR to inform sportsmen about aquatic invasive species

posted Friday, June 6, 2008 by Kari Kirschbaum

ODNR creel clerk Jacob Emnett interviews a young fisherman at Lake Vesuvius on the Wayne National Forest.

The Wayne NF and ODNR work together to educate anglers about aquatic invasive species.

The Ohio DNR Division of Wildlife has been an essential partner in managing fisheries on the Wayne National Forest. They stock our large fishing lakes, monitor fish populations, and annually assist the Forest with aquatic habitat improvement projects, such as dropping recycled Christmas trees into lakes to provide fish habitat.

This year, they took this partnership one step further. Upon learning that ODNR had scheduled Lake Vesuvius for creel surveys in 2008, Ironton District wildlife biologist Kari Kirschbaum saw an opportunity to educate local sportsmen about aquatic invasive species and how they can prevent their spread. Mike Greenlee of ODNR, agreed to allow the ODNR creel clerk at Lake Vesuvius to discuss aquatic invasives and distribute literature after each creel survey. Nick Schmal, Regional Fish & Aquatic Ecology Program Leader, provided approximately 500 "Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers" pamphlets, as well as Zebra Mussel and Asian Carp Watch Cards for distribution. These are being distributed to each sportsperson interviewed for creel surveys.

"On a typical day, I interview about 35 fishermen. For the most part, they seem to know a little bit about aquatic invasives, and are very open to learning more, particularly about how they can avoid spreading them. I think this has been a really successful partnership that could be successful at other locations as well" stated Jake Emnett, ODNR creel clerk for Lake Vesuvius.