USGS Science for a Changing World



1996 UZIG Meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada, September 24-26, 1996

Approximately 60 people attended the meeting. They heard some very interesting talks that covered a wide range of topics including: waste-disposal issues at Yucca Mountain, Hanford, Beatty, the Idaho National Engineering Lab, and elsewhere; instrumentation for such measurements as gas flux and matric potential; and unsaturated-saturated zone interactions. The field trip on the 26th was a great opportunity to enter to see firsthand the deep unsaturated-zone rocks of the proposed waste repository, and also to see the arid-region radioactive waste disposal site at Beatty, NV.

Discussions were lively and productive. John Nimmo talked about the history of the unsaturated-zone interest group. John agreed to continue his work as editor of the UZ newsletter and solicited more contributions. John also raised the idea of the UZIG setting up its own web page which would have advantages for accessibility, archiving, and presentation of graphics. Anyone with ideas or suggestions should contact jrnimmo.

Brian Andraski summarized responses to UZIG-News queries about the possibility of UZIG members collaborating on a handbook devoted to unsaturated-zone field methods. Several opinions were voiced during the ensuing discussion; many highlighted the need to maintain a focused approach to meet the needs of a specific target audience and to ensure timely completion. Responses to the UZIG-News queries indicated the need for a unified handbook (TWRI) that would serve as a reference and guide for District projects that necessarily require proven methods and quick answers because of their typically short duration (<= 3 years). The next steps in development of such a handbook include identifying additional contributors and developing a mini proposal for headquarters review. Please follow up with Brian regarding any input you have on the subject (email: andraski; phone: 702-887-7636).

Bill Herkelrath presented some work that he and Terry O'Neal have done on developing a graphical input system for computer program VS2DT.

Herb Buxton gave a rundown on the Toxics Hydrology Program, including descriptions of new programs such as the Abanconed Mine Lands Initiative, and new emphasis on toxic substances such as mercury, MTBE (a gasoline derivative), and pesticides used in growing cotton. Herb also led a separate discussion of the possibility of suppporting an Amargosa Desert research site (including the Beatty waste-disposal area) through the Toxics Program.

Ed Weeks presented a summary of unsaturated zone work that is being conducted through the Thrust Programs. It appears that these programs are not funding nearly as much UZ work as in the past. It was noted that there is very little such work being performed through the NAWQA program. On the other hand there is still a growing number of district projects that are involved with the unsaturated zone. Funding for these projects comes from various sources including coop funds, OFA, and Toxics.

The date and location of the next UZIG meeting was tossed around. Most people felt that 2 years from now would be a good target to shoot for. Possible locations include Albequerque NM, Menlo Park CA, and Ithaca, NY.

All of the speakers deserve thanks for their excellent presentations. Special thanks to Alan Flint for making all the arrangements for the meeting and for the trip to Yuuca Mtn. Thanks also to Brian Andraski and Dave Prudic for conducting the tour of the Beatty disposal site.

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
U.S Geological Survey in Minnesota, USGS Water Resources of Minnesota
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