ࡱ> -(   Jmailto:patricia.morrissey@acf.hhs.govJmailto:patricia.morrissey@acf.hhs.gov/ 0DArialngsԖ0llz-a0"DTahomagsԖ0llz-a0" DWingdingsԖ0llz-a0 A .  @n?" dd@  @@`` XP>      ( 0AA@8qʚ;3ʚ;g4?d?dă -a0ppp@  <4dddd8K*0lv0___PPT10 6___PPT9{N?  %O  =s&0Life s Transition Points6Suggestions on How to Think about and Prepare for Them AssumptionsOur days are filled with routine We do not have time to plan We do not have time to prepare Taking the long view is a luxury Thinking about the big picture creates stress Everyone goes though this There must be something we can do to be better prepared for transition points, but what?   ChallengesFinding time Knowing where to start Knowing what we need Being comfortable with asking Being competent with searching Being able to analyze and judge what we get Prioritizing Working with silosWhat Everyone WantsVSupport A home A way to get around Possessions Opportunity to contribute Being valued TFreedom Choices Control Predictability The chance to learn or do new things Feedback $Key Transition Points Tied to School%%&Beginning& Early intervention Preschool Kindergarten Middle school High school Post secondary S_ !More Important Transition Points mArrival of a sibling Mom goes to work Going into child care Marriage Divorce A sibling leaves home Retirement JBeginning a job Moving out Changing a job Moving to a new town Aging Dying 3Important Questions to Ask When Facing a Transition44&What is the current situation? What will the new situation be like? In what ways will the new situation be different? How do I prepare for the new situation? Whose help do I need to prepare? What can I take to the new situation? hExample: Going to Middle School  What s different?55&Currently 2 teachers One class most of day Same class mates all day Same routine each day Time to do homework Limited team projects" ZzZ In Middle School 5 teachers 5 different classrooms Different classmates in some classes Daily schedule varies No time to do homework Lots of team projects "ZZ 'Middle School Example How to get ready((&Visit the school and sit in on some classes Make a list of questions Talk to brothers, sisters, friends, and their friends about what it is like, using the questions Take notes Make a list of pluses and minuses Prioritize  What can I do to be a success on the first day in Middle School Make a tool kit [e.g., knapsack with great pockets, calendar, color coded things],rZ?S "Middle School Example Who Can Help##&:Lots of people New teacher(s)  Could tell you what happens the first day of school& everyone gets to make a presentation Current teacher(s)  Could secure permission to be absent from class to visit Middle School Family  Mom could request a visit to the new school Friends  Could help you decide what goes in your tool kit Community groups  Could give you resources for the your presentation at the new school .ZZ, e  1Middle School Example What Goes to the New School22&RKnowledge of what is going to happen Things to use to be a success the first day A tool kit that you can turn to throughout the year  to keep you organized, to remind you to do things Great problem solving skills Confidence  using the questions, getting the answers, taking action, taking charge )What to do with what was learn: SHARE IT**&Current Environment/Tools Face Book, My Space  wide open neighborhoods, where people share things about themselves Survey monkey  a way to get answers from people on a set of questions Interactive issue-driven web sites  Interactive Autism Network/http://www.iancommunity.org Learning Management System/organize what is known so someone else can find and use it or/modify it based on their experience Social Triangulation/it takes a team Wikis/A wiki is software that allows users to collaboratively create, edit, link, and organize the content of a website, usually for reference material Chat rooms$PEP_> 9Why Sharing in a Systematic Way Using the Web makes Sense::&Challenges Finding time Knowing where to start Knowing what we need Being comfortable with asking Being competent with searching Being able to analyze and judge what we get Prioritizing Working with silos$ ZZ ZSave time Suggestions about where to start A way to validate and expand needs list Learning what questions to ask Time saver on searching Benefit from the recommendations and experience of others Access to many strategies  those that work and those that do not  related to specific transition points.Z. 0Suggestion: Create E-Clubs on Transition Points11&$Online interactive network on transition points Includes neighborhood environments Families Individuals with disabilities Community Supports Is resource library and meeting place Protected through an ID and password Could explore funding from varied sources, e.g. foundations, government <T:T:<What To Share at an E-Club Devoted to Entering Middle School==&Your questions Your answers Your priority  how and why you were a success on the first day What you put in your tool kit How you used your tool kit What you learned that you didn t know about Middle School that you wish you had known before you startedZEPreparing and Sharing, a Different Kind of Future, the Right OutcomesFF&^Support Opportunity to contribute Being valued The chance to learn or do new things Feedback ._V  (The Big PicturejE-Clubs would be dynamic gathering places Many people with similar interests & experiences Ready to sharekk/ 0` ` 3Zh` f:%rv` ffL=Wl"`½` 3M?Jm!3)q` mqVhXvqFVH ` hf?" dd@*?lPd@    @ `  n?" dd@   @@``PR    @ ` `0p>> *(  X  C @ABC  Hd @ "pz  < "   Bd "ph  s * "   Bd "@z  < "    H @ "    B @ "    Bd "p`    Bd " h   s * "ph  s * "   H @ "0  Bd "  B "   Bd "  H @ "z  < "x  z  < ">   @ABCDEPF LbQDV[[[VrVfQZLNLNFNFHFHAH<H7B2B,<'0"*&  ~ ',z7VF8V`fkppplkZfB`6[$VB *  wX:'2<LQW[ `ff~fHfff`[dQFL:F.A< 2 2 , , , 2 2 7 7 A Fz F\ L Q [6 f p {X 4  { u p k S 8 $ p $b 2N <6 L T _ b f i mj nF k, g [ VQLFAlN!1@L`hffflfB`[VVQLFA722v,j,^,L,@,427FV`tkJu&r6du:k`VLA7,""""""z't,h7\AVFPLDV2[ `fkppuuxuZpBp*kf`@"#   F@ABCDEF @ &06B]T?frx~t~bxJr>l,f `TNB60*$~a$C0<HZ`Zl$rxxxLxxxrli`KZ?T3N!H< < 6 6 6 < < B B N T Tb Z ` l7 x Z 6  ~ ` N * $q *e <S H; 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School"More Important Transition Points 4Important Questions to Ask When Facing a Transition5Example: Going to Middle School Whats different?(Middle School Example How to get ready#Middle School Example Who Can Help2Middle School Example What Goes to the New School*What to do with what was learn: SHARE IT:Why Sharing in a Systematic Way Using the Web makes Sense1Suggestion: Create E-Clubs on Transition Points=What To Share at an E-Club Devoted to Entering Middle SchoolFPreparing and Sharing, a Different Kind of Future, the Right OutcomesThe Big Picture Slide 18  Fonts UsedDesign Template Slide Titles 8@ _PID_HLINKSA&mailto:patricia.morrissey@acf.hhs.gov_DrDHHSDHHS  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~Root EntrydO)Current UserSummaryInformation(T[PowerPoint Document(hDocumentSummaryInformation8