Press Room

July 29, 2005

U.S. Treasurer Meets with Local Business Leaders in Pasadena and Veterans in Anaheim

U.S. Treasurer Anna Escobedo Cabral met with Los Angeles area veterans and business leaders today to discuss President Bush's efforts to strengthen and preserve Social Security and ensure sustained economic growth and job creation.

At a roundtable with local business leaders in Pasadena this morning Cabral discussed the need for Social Security reform to ensure the continued strength of our economy and President Bush's proposals to address the funding problems facing the system.

"The economic leadership of President Bush has produced a growing economy and steady job creation. A government report out this morning showed continued strength with GDP growing at a strong pace of 3.4 percent in the second quarter. We've seen 25 straight months of job creation totaling in more than 3.7 million new jobs since May of 2003. Today, more Americans are working than ever before," said Treasurer Cabral. "We need to continue looking down the field to make sure that the upward path we're on is not disrupted. An essential piece in that effort is fixing Social Security now."

Cabral further discussed the need to preserve Social Security in an address to the American GI Forum in Anaheim this afternoon.

"Fixing it is quite simply our responsibility to our children and grandchildren. If we make responsible decisions now, we can make sure that Social Security and our broader economy are on sound financial footing for future generations," said Treasurer Cabral. "President Bush is committed to preserving the system for today's seniors while providing a better opportunity for younger workers."

The American GI Forum is the nation's largest Hispanic veterans' organization, representing over 250,000 members across the country.
