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Hurricane Research Division

Other Years' Publications :

2004 Tropical Cyclone Meteorology and Oceanography Publications

by Lenworth Woolcock and Chris Landsea

This is a compilation of all reviewed papers and books (or chapters of books) on the meteorology/oceanography of hurricanes, tropical cyclones, tropical storms, typhoons and easterly waves that were published in 2004. If there are any additions or corrections that need to be made, please e-mail me directly.

All Available Journals 2004

Australian Meteorological Magazine

  • Shaik, H.A. Cleland, S.J. 2004: The tropical circulation in the Australian/Asian region - November 2002 to April 2003. Australian Meteorological Magazine. Vol. 53, 39-51.
  • Shaik, H.A. Cleland, S.J. 2004 : The tropical circulation in the Australian! Asian region - May to October 2003. Australian Meteorological Magazine. Vol. 53, 205-216.
  • Hall, J.D. 2004: The South Pacific and southeast Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclone season 2001-2002. Australian Meteorological Magazine. Vol. 53, 285-304.

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society

  • Kossin, J. P. and Wayne H. Schubert. 2004: Mesovortices in Hurricane Isabel. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society: Vol. 85, 151-153.
  • Dunion, Jason P. and C. S. Velden. 2004: The Impact of the Saharan Air Layer on Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Activity. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society: Vol. 85, 353-365.
  • Powell, Mark , D. Bowman, D. Gilhousen, S. Murillo, N. Carrasco and R. St. Fleur. 2004: Tropical Cyclone Winds at Landfall: The ASOS-C-MAN Wind Exposure Documentation Project. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society: Vol. 85, 845-851.
  • Abraham, James , J. W. Strapp, C. Fogarty and M. Wolde. 2004: Extratropical Transition of Hurricane Michael: An Aircraft Investigation. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society: Vol. 85, 1323-1339.
  • Davis, Christopher A. and L. F. Bosart. 2004: The TT Problem: Forecasting the Tropical Transition of Cyclones. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society: Vol. 85, 1657-1662.
  • McNoldy, Brian D. 2004: Triple Eyewall in Hurricane Juliette. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society: Vol. 85, 1663-1666.
  • Chenoweth, Michael and C. Landsea. 2004: The San Diego Hurricane of 2 October 1858. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society: Vol. 85, 1689-1697.
  • Landsea, Christopher W., Jimmy Franklin, C. J. McAdie, J. L. Beven II, J. M. Gross, B. R. Jarvinen, R. J. Pasch, E. N. Rappaport, J. P. Dunion and P. P. Dodge. 2004: A Reanalysis of Hurricane Andrew's Intensity. Bulletin of the American Meteoro
  • logical Society: Vol. 85, 1699-1712.
  • Watson Jr., Charles C. and M. E. Johnson. 2004: Hurricane Loss Estimation Models: Opportunities for Improving the State of the Art. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society: Vol. 85, 1713-1726.
  • Bell, G., S. Goldenberg, C. Landsea, E. Blake, M. Chelliah, K. Mo and R. Pasch, 2004: The 2003 North Atlantic Hurricane Season: A Climate Perspective. Bull. Amer. Met. Soc., 85, S20-S24.

Climate Dynamics

  • Walsh , K. J. E., K.-C. Nguyen and J. L. McGregor. 2004: Fine-resolution regional climate model simulations of the impact of climate change on tropical cyclones near Australia. Climate Dynamics: Vol. 22, 47 - 56.
  • Kobayashi, C. and M. Sugi. 2004: Impact of horizontal resolution on the simulation of the Asian summer monsoon and tropical cyclones in the JMA global model. Climate Dynamics: Vol 23, 165 - 176.

Climate Change

  • None


  • Bossak, Brian H. and J. B. Elsner. 2004: Plotting Early Nineteenth-Century Hurricane Information. EOS: Vol. 85.

Geophysical Research Letters

  • Perrie,W., X. Ren, W. Zhang, and Z. Long. 2004: Simulation of extratropical Hurricane Gustav using a coupled atmosphere-ocean-sea spray model. Geo. Res. Letters: Vol 31, L03110.
  • Venkatesh, T. N., and J. Mathew, 2004: Prediction of tropical cyclone genesis using a vortex merger index. Geophys. Res. Lett.: Vol 31, L04105.
  • Jones, C., N. Mahowald, and C. Luo. 2004: Observational evidence of African desert dust intensification of easterly waves, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L17208.
  • Davis, A., and X.-H. Yan, 2004: Hurricane forcing on chlorophyll-a concentration off the northeast coast of the U.S. Geophys. Res. Lett.: Vol 31, L17304.
  • McDonnell, K.A., and N.J. Holbrook. 2004b: A Poisson regression model approach to predicting tropical cyclogenesis in the Australian/southwest Pacific Ocean region using the SOI and saturated equivalent potential temperature gradient as predictors. Geophys. Res. Lett.: Vol 31, L20110. doi:10.1029/2004GL020843.
  • Moon, I.-J., I. Ginis, and T. Hara. 2004: Effect of surface waves on Charnock coefficient under tropical cyclones, Geophys. Res. Lett.: Vol 31, L20302.
  • Kelley, O. A., J. Stout, and J. B. Halverson. 2004: Tall precipitation cells in tropical cyclone eyewalls are associated with tropical cyclone intensification. Geophys. Res. Lett.: Vol 31, L24112.
  • Tang, B. H., and J. D. Neelin, 2004: ENSO Influence on Atlantic hurricanes via tropospheric warming. Geophys. Res. Lett.: Vol 31, L24204.

International Journal of Climatology

  • None

Journal of Applied Meteorology

  • Demuth, Julie L., M. DeMaria, J. A. Knaff and T. H. Vonder Haar. 2004: Evaluation of Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit Tropical-Cyclone Intensity and Size Estimation Algorithms. Journal of Applied Meteorology: Vol. 43, 282-296.
  • Considine, Timothy J., C. Jablonowski, B. Posner and C. H. Bishop. 2004: The Value of Hurricane Forecasts to Oil and Gas Producers in the Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Applied Meteorology: Vol. 43, 1270-1281.
  • Geerts, Bart and Yu Dawei. 2004: Classification and Characterization of Tropical Precipitation Based on High-Resolution Airborne Vertical Incidence Radar. Part II: Composite Vertical Structure of Hurricanes versus Storms over Florida and the Amazon. Journal of Applied Meteorology: Vol. 43, 1567-1585.

Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology

  • Roux F., F.Chane-Ming, A. Lasserre-Bigorry, O. Nuissier. 2004: Structure and evolution of intense tropical cyclone Dina near La Réunion on 22 January 2002: GB-EVTD analysis of single Doppler radar observations J. Atmos. Oceanic. Technol., Vol. 21, 1501-1518.

Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres

  • None

Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans

  • None

Journal of Climate

  • Cheung, Kevin K. W. . 2004: Large-Scale Environmental Parameters Associated with Tropical Cyclone Formations in the Western North Pacific. Journal of Climate: Vol. 17, 466-484.
  • Wu, M. C., W. L. Chang and W. M. Leung. 2004: Impacts of El Niño-Southern Oscillation Events on Tropical Cyclone Landfalling Activity in the Western North Pacific. Journal of Climate: Vol. 17, 1419-1428.
  • Wu, Liguang and B. Wang. 2004: Assessing Impacts of Global Warming on Tropical Cyclone Tracks. Journal of Climate: Vol. 17, 1686-1698.
  • Free, Melissa, M. Bister and K. Emanuel. 2004: Potential Intensity of Tropical Cyclones: Comparison of Results from Radiosonde and Reanalysis Data. Journal of Climate: Vol. 17, 1722-1727.
  • Ho, Chang-Hoi, J.-J. Baik, J.-H. Kim, D.-Y. Gong and C.-H. Sui. 2004: Interdecadal Changes in Summertime Typhoon Tracks. Journal of Climate: Vol. 17, 1767-1776.
  • Elsner, James B., X. Niu and T. H. Jagger. 2004: Detecting Shifts in Hurricane Rates Using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo Approach. Journal of Climate: Vol. 17, 2652-2666.
  • Elsner, James B. and T. H. Jagger. 2004: A Hierarchical Bayesian Approach to Seasonal Hurricane Modeling. Journal of Climate: Vol. 17, 2813-2827.
  • Knutson, Thomas R. and R. E. Tuleya. 2004: Impact of CO2-Induced Warming on Simulated Hurricane Intensity and Precipitation: Sensitivity to the Choice of Climate Model and Convective Parameterization. Journal of Climate: Vol. 17, 3477-3495.
  • Kimball, Sytske K. and M. S. Mulekar. 2004: A 15-Year Climatology of North Atlantic Tropical Cyclones. Part I: Size Parameters. Journal of Climate: Vol. 17, 3555-3575.
  • Chan, Johnny C. L. and K. S. Liu. 2004: Global Warming and Western North Pacific Typhoon Activity from an Observational Perspective. Journal of Climate: Vol. 17, 4590-4602.
  • Chu, Pao-Shin and X. Zhao. 2004: Bayesian Change-Point Analysis of Tropical Cyclone Activity: The Central North Pacific Case. Journal of Climate: Vol. 17, 4893-4901.

Journal of Coastal Research

  • Otvos, Ervin G. 2004: Beach Aggradation Following Hurricane Landfall: Impact Comparisons from Two Contrasting Hurricanes, Northern Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Coastal Research: Vol. 20, 326-339.
  • Kovacs, John M., J. Malczewski, and F. Flores-Verdugo, . 2004: Examining Local Ecological Knowledge of Hurricane Impacts in a Mangrove Forest Using an Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Approach. Journal of Coastal Research: Vol. 20, 792-800.

Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences

  • Reasor, Paul D., M. T. Montgomery and L. D. Grasso. 2004: A New Look at the Problem of Tropical Cyclones in Vertical Shear Flow: Vortex Resiliency. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences: Vol. 61, 3-22.
  • Jones, Sarah C. 2004: On the Ability of Dry Tropical-Cyclone-like Vortices to Withstand Vertical Shear. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences: Vol. 61, 114-119.
  • McFarquhar, Greg M. and R. A. Black. 2004: Observations of Particle Size and Phase in Tropical Cyclones: Implications for Mesoscale Modeling of Microphysical Processes. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences: Vol. 61, 422-439.
  • Emanuel, Kerry, C. DesAutels, C. Holloway and R. Korty. 2004: Environmental Control of Tropical Cyclone Intensity. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences: Vol. 61, 843-858.
  • Hendricks, Eric A., M. T. Montgomery and C. A. Davis. 2004: The Role of “Vortical” Hot Towers in the Formation of Tropical Cyclone Diana (1984). Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences: Vol. 61, 1209-1232.
  • Zhu, Hongyan, W. Ulrich and R. K. Smith. 2004: Ocean Effects on Tropical Cyclone Intensification and Inner-Core Asymmetries. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences: Vol. 61, 1245-1258.
  • Lackmann, Gary M. and R. M. Yablonsky. 2004: The Importance of the Precipitation Mass Sink in Tropical Cyclones and Other Heavily Precipitating Systems. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences: Vol. 61, 1674-1692.
  • Wong, M. L. M. and J. C. L. Chan, 2004: Tropical cyclone intensity in vertical wind shear. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences: Vol. 61, 1859-1876.
  • Moon I.-J., T. Hara, I. Ginis, S. E. Belcher, and H. Tolman, 2004: Effect of surface waves on air-sea momentum exchange : I. Effect of mature and growing seas, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences: Vol 61, 2321- 2333.
  • Moon, Il-Ju, I. Ginis and T. Hara. 2004: Effect of Surface Waves on Air-Sea Momentum Exchange. Part II: Behavior of Drag Coefficient under Tropical Cyclones. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences: Vol. 61, 2334-2348.
  • Molinari, John, D. Vollaro and K. L. Corbosiero. 2004: Tropical Cyclone Formation in a Sheared Environment: A Case Study. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences: Vol. 61, 2493-2509.
  • Kuo, H.-C., L.-Y. Lin, C.-P. Chang and R. T. Williams. 2004: The Formation of Concentric Vorticity Structures in Typhoons. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences: Vol. 61, 2722-2734.
  • Wu, Liguang and S.A. Braun. 2004: Effects of Environmentally Induced Asymmetries on Hurricane Intensity: A Numerical Study. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences: Vol. 61, 3065-3081.
  • Ginis I., A.P. Khain, B. Thomas, E. Morozovsky, 2004: Effects of large eddies on the structure of the marine boundary layer under strong wind conditions. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences: Vol 61, 3049-3064.

Journal of Physical Oceanography

  • None

Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan

  • None

Meteorological Applications

  • None

Meteorological Monographs

  • None

Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics

  • Wang, Y. and C.-C. Wu. 2004: Current understanding of tropical cyclone structure and intensity changes - a review. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics: Vol 87, 257 - 278.

Meteorology and Hydrology

  • None

Monthly Weather Review

  • Kossin, James P., and C. S. Velden. 2004: A Pronounced Bias in Tropical Cyclone Minimum Sea Level Pressure Estimation Based on the Dvorak Technique. Monthly Weather Review: Vol. 132, 165-173.
  • Zhu, Tong, D.-L. Zhang and F. Weng. 2004: Numerical Simulation of Hurricane Bonnie (1998). Part I: Eyewall Evolution and Intensity Changes. Monthly Weather Review: Vol. 132, 225-241.
  • Beven II, John L. and Jimmy Franklin. 2004: Eastern North Pacific Hurricane Season of 1999. Monthly Weather Review: Vol. 132, 1036-1047.
  • O'Shay, Adam J. and T. N. Krishnamurti. 2004: An Examination of a Model's Components during Tropical Cyclone Recurvature. Monthly Weather Review: Vol. 132, 1143-1166.
  • Bell, Katherine and P. S. Ray. 2004: North Atlantic Hurricanes 1977-99: Surface Hurricane-Force Wind Radii. Monthly Weather Review: Vol. 132, 1167-1189.
  • Evans, J. L., and B. E. Prater-Mayes. 2004: Factors Affecting the Posttransition Intensification of Hurricane Irene (1999). Monthly Weather Review: Vol. 132, 1355-1368.
  • Yau, M. K., Y. Liu, D.-L. Zhang and Y. Chen. 2004: A Multiscale Numerical Study of Hurricane Andrew (1992). Part VI: Small-Scale Inner-Core Structures and Wind Streaks. Monthly Weather Review: Vol. 132, 1410-1433.
  • Farfán, Luis M. . 2004: Regional Observations during the Landfall of Tropical Cyclone Juliette (2001) in Baja California, Mexico. Monthly Weather Review: Vol. 132, 1575-1589.
  • Lonfat, Manuel , F. D. Marks Jr. and S. S. Chen. 2004: Precipitation Distribution in Tropical Cyclones Using the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Microwave Imager: A Global Perspective. Monthly Weather Review: Vol. 132, 1645-1660.
  • McCaul Jr., Eugene W., D. E. Buechler, S. J. Goodman and M. Cammarata. 2004: Doppler Radar and Lightning Network Observations of a Severe Outbreak of Tropical Cyclone Tornadoes. Monthly Weather Review: Vol. 132, 1747-1763.
  • Pasch, Richard J., M. B. Lawrence, L. A. Avila, J. L. Beven, Jimmy Franklin and S. R. Stewart. 2004: Atlantic Hurricane Season of 2002. Monthly Weather Review: Vol. 132, 1829-1859.
  • McTaggart-Cowan, R., J. R. Gyakum and M. K. Yau. 2004: The Impact of Tropical Remnants on Extratropical Cyclogenesis: Case Study of Hurricanes Danielle and Earl (1998). Monthly Weather Review: Vol. 132, 1933-1951.
  • Park, Kyungjeen and X. Zou. 2004: Toward Developing an Objective 4DVAR BDA Scheme for Hurricane Initialization Based on TPC Observed Parameters. Monthly Weather Review: Vol. 132, 2054-2069.
  • Wu, Chun-Chieh, T.-S. Huang and K.-H. Chou. 2004: Potential Vorticity Diagnosis of the Key Factors Affecting the Motion of Typhoon Sinlaku (2002). Monthly Weather Review: Vol. 132, 2084-2093.
  • Hou, Arthur Y., S. Q. Zhang and O. Reale. 2004: Variational Continuous Assimilation of TMI and SSM/I Rain Rates: Impact on GEOS-3 Hurricane Analyses and Forecasts. Monthly Weather Review: Vol. 132, 2094-2109.
  • Sinclair, Mark R. 2004: Extratropical Transition of Southwest Pacific Tropical Cyclones. Part II: Midlatitude Circulation Characteristics. Monthly Weather Review: Vol. 132, 2145-2168.
  • Chan, Johnny C. L., K. S. Liu, S. E. Ching and E. S. T. Lai. 2004: Asymmetric Distribution of Convection Associated with Tropical Cyclones Making Landfall along the South China Coast. Monthly Weather Review: Vol. 132, 2410-2420.
  • Knaff, John A., S. A. Seseske, M. DeMaria and J. L. Demuth. 2004: On the Influences of Vertical Wind Shear on Symmetric Tropical Cyclone Structure Derived from AMSU. Monthly Weather Review: Vol. 132, 2503-2510.
  • Willoughby, H. E. and M. E. Rahn. 2004: Parametric Representation of the Primary Hurricane Vortex. Part I: Observations and Evaluation of the Holland (1980) Model. Monthly Weather Review: Vol. 132, 3033-3048.
  • Dare, Richard A., and N. E. Davidson. 2004: Characteristics of Tropical Cyclones in the Australian Region. Monthly Weather Review: Vol. 132, 3049-3065.


  • Halsey, Thomas C. and M. H. Jensen. 2004: Hurricanes and butterflies. Nature: Vol. 428, 127-128.
  • Reichhardt, Tony. 2004: Hurricane Ivan highlights future risk for New Orleans. Nature: Vol. 431, 388-388.
  • Cyranoski, David. 2004: Deluge of typhoons may aid forecast models. Nature: Vol. 431, 1028-1028.

Pure and Applied Geophysics

  • None

Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society

  • Chen, Shu-Hua, F. Vandenberghe, G. W. Petty and J. F. Bresch - Application of SSM/I satellite data to a hurricane simulation. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society: Vol 130, 801.
  • Agusti-Panareda, A. , C. D. Thorncroft, G. C. Craig and S. L. Gray - The extratropical transition of hurricane Irene (1999): A potential-vorticity perspective. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society: Vol 130, 1047.
  • Shen, Weixing. 2004: Hurricane potential intensity from an energetics point of view. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society: Vol 130, 2629.

Review of Geophysics

  • None


  • None


  • None

Weather and Forecasting

  • Harasti, Paul R., C. J. McAdie, P. P. Dodge, W.-C. Lee, J. Tuttle, S. T. Murillo and F. D. Marks Jr.. 2004: Real-Time Implementation of Single-Doppler Radar Analysis Methods for Tropical Cyclones: Algorithm Improvements and Use with WSR-88D Display Data. Weather and Forecasting: Vol. 19, 219-239.
  • Curtis, Lon. 2004: Midlevel Dry Intrusions as a Factor in Tornado Outbreaks Associated with Landfalling Tropical Cyclones from the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. Weather and Forecasting: Vol. 19, 411-427.
  • McDonnell, K.A., and N.J. Holbrook 2004a: A Poisson regression model of tropical cyclogenesis for the Australian- southwest Pacific Ocean region. Weather and Forecasting: Vol. 19, 440-455.
  • Lyons, Steven W.. 2004: U.S. Tropical Cyclone Landfall Variability: 1950-2002. Weather and Forecasting: Vol. 19, 473-480.
  • Goerss, James S., C. R. Sampson and J. M. Gross. 2004: A History of Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Track Forecast Skill. Weather and Forecasting: Vol. 19, 633-638.
  • Chen, Tsing-Chang, S.-Y. Wang, M.-C. Yen and W. A. Gallus Jr.. 2004: Role of the Monsoon Gyre in the Interannual Variation of Tropical Cyclone Formation over the Western North Pacific. Weather and Forecasting: Vol. 19, 776-785.
  • Reason, C. J. C. and A. Keibel. 2004: Tropical Cyclone Eline and Its Unusual Penetration and Impacts over the Southern African Mainland. Weather and Forecasting: Vol. 19, 789-805.
  • Klotzbach, Philip J. and W. M. Gray. 2004: Updated 6-11-Month Prediction of Atlantic Basin Seasonal Hurricane Activity. Weather and Forecasting: Vol. 19, 917-934.
  • Blake, Eric S. and W. M. Gray. 2004: Prediction of August Atlantic Basin Hurricane Activity. Weather and Forecasting: Vol. 19, 1044-1060.

Maintained by Chris Landsea.
Last modified June 2005

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