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  About Us . . .  
The Market Disputes Resolution Division ("MDRD") is responsible for resolving complaints by market participants, entities or organizations against common carriers (wireline, wireless or international) for alleged violations of the Communications Act that are filed pursuant to Section 208 of the Act. The division also resolves complaints filed by cable operators, telecommunications carriers, utilities and other parties pursuant to Section 224 of the Communications Act relating to the reasonableness of rates, terms, and conditions for pole attachments.

  Filing a Section 208 Formal Complaint  
We strongly encourage parties to contact MDRD staff prior to filing a formal complaint to describe the issues raised in the dispute and to discuss the efficacy of pre-complaint mediation before Commission staff, as described below. Before filing a formal complaint, carefully review the applicable procedural rules, which are found in the Code of Federal Regulations at 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.721-1.736. Failure to comply with the rules can result in dismissal of your complaint. For additional information, you may want to look at the FCC's Report and Order that adopted these rules, which is published in the FCC Record at 12 FCC Rcd 22497 (1997). You may also wish to review the Order on Reconsideration in that proceeding, which can be found in the FCC Record at 16 FCC Rcd 5681 (2001). A filing fee is required for all formal complaints. See 47 C.F.R. § 1.1106. You should feel free to contact MDRD staff at (202) 418-7330 to discuss these procedures and ask any questions prior to filing a formal complaint.

If you do file a formal complaint, provide as much factual support for your case as possible. This can be in the form of sworn affidavits, documentary evidence, etc. Do not assume that you will be able to engage in lengthy discovery after you file your complaint in order to develop the facts.

Parties are strongly encouraged to attempt to settle or narrow their dispute before filing a formal complaint. To assist parties in this effort, MDRD emphasizes mediation of formal complaints (including pole attachment disputes), preferably prior to the actual filing of a complaint. We recommend that you contact Division staff at (202) 418-7330 prior to filing a complaint for information regarding MDRD's mediation program. Mediations allow the parties to focus on a solution to their dispute, and not waste resources in costly and time-consuming litigation. The Division has had great success with its mediation efforts; many cases that would have been formal complaints have been resolved informally without further litigation with the help of MDRD staff. Please contact the Division for additional details.

  The Accelerated Docket  
In select circumstances, MDRD resolves complaints under an accelerated schedule called the “Accelerated Docket.” It is designed to lead to a written staff-level decision within 60 days from the filing of the complaint. Because the Accelerated Docket rules require staff-supervised pre-filing settlement discussions between the parties, many disputes are settled without the need to file a formal complaint. In fact, such settlements are the real success story of the Accelerated Docket procedure. Please contact the staff if you would like to have a potential complaint considered for acceptance onto the Accelerated Docket. It is important to understand that not all cases are suitable for this expedited procedure. The staff, in its discretion, decides which cases to assign to the Accelerated Docket. Although you may be disappointed if the staff declines to assign your particular case to the Accelerated Docket, you always are free to file a “traditional” formal complaint and have that complaint adjudicated by the FCC. For further information about this process, please refer to section 1.730 of the Commission's rules, and the Formal Complaint Second Report and Order, which is published in the FCC Record at 13 FCC Rcd 17018 (1998).

  Primary Jurisdictional Referrals  
Any party that has been involved in a dispute against a common carrier that has been referred to the Commission by a court pursuant to the doctrine of primary jurisdiction is strongly encouraged, before filing any papers with the Commission, to carefully review the Commission's Public Notice: Primary Jurisdiction Referrals Involving Common Carriers, 15 FCC Rcd 22,449 (C.C.B., E.B., I.B., W.T.B. 2000) and to contact the Division.

  Key People  
Alex Starr, Chief
Lisa Griffin, Deputy Chief
Rosemary McEnery, Deputy Chief
Lisa Saks, Assistant Chief

  Items of Interest  

last reviewed/updated on Mon Sep 12 15:47:31 EDT 2005
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