FERS -- Federal Employees Retirement System (An Overview of Your Benefits), April 1998 (Form Number: RI 90-1) [450 KB]
FERS -- Federal Employees Retirement System Transfer Handbook -- A Guide to Making Your Decision (Form Number: RI 90-3) [363 KB]
Information for FERS Annuitants - Information for Individuals Who Have Retired Under FERS, August 2005 (Form Number: RI 90-8) [357 KB]
FERS Facts 1 -- Information for Separating FERS Employees Who are Not Eligible for an Immediate Annuity, October 1997 (Form Number: RI 90-11)
[220 KB]
Information for Survivor Annuitants (FERS), November 1999
(Form Number: RI 90-12)
[326 KB]
FERS Facts 2 -- Information About Reemployment for Federal Employees Retirement System Annuitants, October 1997 (Form Number: RI 90-18) [160 KB]
Application for Deferred or Postponed Retirement - Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS), October 2000 (Form Number: RI 92-19) [405 KB]
Information for Disability Annuitants (FERS), September 1999 (Form Number: RI 98-2)
[217 KB]
Applying for Immediate Retirement Under the Federal Employees Retirement System (Standard Form 3113),
May 2001 [397 KB]