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Recent Demonstration

OGW BG provides formal and informal geophysical training to USGS offices and cooperators. This page provides an overview of a recent workshop conducted by OGW BG. Because training is customized to address specific interests and needs, each training event is unique.


Field demonstration of cross-hole flowmeter method at the USDA-USGS research well array, central Pennsylvania, May 2005

On May 3 and 4, 2005, hydrologists Alton Anderson (USGS OGW BG), John Williams (USGS OGW BG), and Fred Paillet (USGS Emeritus/University of Maine) conducted a series of cross-hole flow tests and presented a workshop at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Research Service (ARS) site in central Pennsylvania.

The hydraulic-testing method demonstrated at the workshop involves the analysis of transient-flow flowmeter data. The data are collected at selected depths between transmissive zones in observation wells during short-term pumping and recovery cycles. The method was demonstrated at the USDA ARS site's research well array that was drilled as part of the USGS Bedrock Regional Aquifer Systematics Study (BRASS) program.

Ground-water hydrologists and technicians from the USGS Pennsylvania Water Science Center and the USDA ARS attended the workshop, which included hands-on computer analysis of the flowmeter data collected at the site.

  [Photo: USGS and USDA demonstration participants at field site.]

Field demonstration of the cross-hole flowmeter method. The flowmeter is at depth in the observation well while water is pumped from an adjacent well.

 [Photo: USGS and USDA demonstration participants at field site.]

John Williams (USGS OGW BG) discusses cross-hole flowmeter logging with demonstration participants.

 [Photo: Scientist prepares computer equipment.]

Fred Paillet (USGS Emeritus/University of Maine) prepares computer system.

 [Graph: Refer to text for explanation.]

Preliminary data showing measured and modeled vertical flow rates at 100 and 130 feet below land surface in the observation well during pumping and recovery in an adjacent well.


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