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Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Sexually Transmitted Diseases  >  Program Guidelines  >  Program Evaluation

Program EvaluationProgram Operations Guidelines for STD Prevention
Program Evaluation

Appendix E-B


Good Objectives

1. Reduce the number of cases of STD-associated PID by 10% by January 1, 2002, in women age 15-25 who receive medical care in the ABC Managed Care Group (medicaid managed care contractor). The following objectives all pertain only to women in this target population and are to be achieved in the calendar year 2001.

  1. Ensure annual chlamydia screening of 95% of sexually active women between the ages of 15-25.
  2. Ensure appropriate treatment for chlamydia, in 95% of this population, within 7 days of receipt of test results.
  3. Ensure appropriate treatment for chlamydia in an average of at least one male sex partner per infected woman, for 80% of women who are treated for chlamydia.

Poorly Designed Objectives

1. Reduce the number of cases of chlamydia-associated PID by 50%, in women in the ABC Managed Care Group. (50% is probably set too high, all women in the group would not be at risk for chlamydia, and the cost for screening would be prohibitive.)

  1. Ensure chlamydia screening of all women. (How often should the screening be done? All women are not at risk for chlamydia - some are young girls, some are old, and a few are not sexually active. This is not specific, realistic or time-framed.)
  2. Ensure treatment for chlamydia for all women. (Only appropriate, recommended therapy should be acceptable. A target level is needed as 100% is usually not attainable, and a reasonable time period for treatment needs to be set; otherwise, a lapse of months would be acceptable. This is not specific, measurable, realistic, or time-framed.)
  3. Ensure appropriate treatment for male sex partners of women with chlamydia. (How many male sex partners? For what percent of women will the program strive to provide this intervention? This is not specific, realistic, or time-framed.)

Good Objective

Provide "enhanced risk-reduction counseling" (according to Counseling Guidelines) to 80% of males 15-18, who attend the Local Community Clinic, during the summer months, June-August 2000. (This process objective tells specifically what will be offered, to whom, and when.)

Poorly Designed Objective

Reach 500 youths through outreach. (All the key words here are vague - reach, youths, outreach. This objective could be measured in any way and so is not really measurable, it is not specific, not time-framed.)


Page last modified: August 16, 2007
Page last reviewed: August 16, 2007 Historical Document

Content Source: Division of STD Prevention, National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention