FAO :: Newsroom


©FAO/Alessandra Benedetti

Hunger on the rise
18 September 2008 -- Rising prices have plunged an additional 75 million people below the hunger threshold, bringing the estimated number of undernourished people worldwide to 923 million in 2007. [more…]

Additional news stories (centre column)

Raise farm production to end food crisis – Diouf
17 September 2008 - Increased farm production is the key to solving the world food crisis which plunged another 75 million people into poverty last year. [more…]

Battling a banana killer in East Africa
15 September 2008 – A joint FAO-government project in Uganda has helped over 3 000 farmers combat a pestilent disease that threatened to wipe out production of cooking banana, a staple crop upon which 14 million Ugandans depend for food and income. Not only has the spread of banana bacterial wilt been contained, but participating farmers have doubled or tripled their production of the fruit. [more…]

Urgent UN appeal for hurricane ravaged Haiti
11 September 2008 - With much of Haiti’s agricultural land under water following four major tropical storms, FAO today appealed for US$10.5 million to help rebuild the country's agriculture sector. [more…]

Lands of opportunity
11 September 2008 - Agricultural output is expected to increase significantly in the Russian Federation and Ukraine this year, as higher food prices have led to an expansion in area planted in cereals. [more…]


©FAO/Giulio NapolitanoJune Food Summit
3-5 June 2008
Rome, Italy

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Relaunching agriculture in war-torn DR Congo, one field at a time
Five years after the Second Congo War officially came to an end, peace remains precarious. Hundreds of thousands of people are still homeless, and undernutrition affects 70 percent of the population. Still, increasing numbers Congolese farmers are trying to get back to their fields. FAO is there to help.

A winner
With food prices hitting record highs world wide, FAO is helping implement urgent measures to increase food production in the most affected countries. In Swaziland Input trade fairs enable poor farmers boost their crops.

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