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IBS Tales Hope Award

The Health Leader Award 2006
The Health Leader Award 2006

The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
Site of the Week
November 2003

Listed in Listed in Treasures of the Internet
September 20, 2008

We have just launced our new web site! If you find any problems or errors, please send an e-mail to  This new site increases the global reach of the InfoNet, providing informaction in six languages: English, Spanish, Русский язык (Russian), Български (Bulgarian), Bahasa Indonesia and नेपाली (Nepali). Please visit our site soon to see materials in six Indian languages..


InfoNet Fact Sheets

AIDS InfoNet treatment information is provided in the form of single-topic Fact Sheets.

  • Fact Sheets are updated frequently to reflect advances in HIV/AIDS therapies. InfoNet users do not need to read multiple reports on a single topic. Each fact sheet is a comprehensive, updated summary. Please check the web site frequently to make sure you have the newest version of each fact sheet!
  • The Fact Sheet language is non-technical with most Fact Sheets written at the 8th or 9th grade reading level. Although these are not "low literacy" materials, case managers have reported that they are helpful as a focus for discussions with a wide range of clients, and as a "memory jog" for clients who have difficulty reading.
  • Most of the Fact Sheets can be printed out on a single-page to facilitate distribution and reading. The Fact Sheets can be read online by people with Internet access. However, many people with HIV/AIDS have no Internet access. The InfoNet project uses the Internet as a means to distribute printable versions of the Fact Sheets. Links from each Internet page permit printing using Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat software.
  • Topics include both conventional and alternative/complementary therapies for HIV/AIDS. 



InfoNet Global Reach

The AIDS InfoNet originally provided its materials in English and Spanish. Through collaborative agreements with AIDS service organizations and individuals in various countries, the InfoNet fact sheets are available in a growing range ot languages. The InfoNet gratefully acknowledges the efforts of our partners, who are involved in the selection of fact sheets, local medical review, translations, and updates:

Svilen Konov of the Plus and Minus Foundation, Varna, Bulgaria

Spiritia Foundation, Jakarta, Indonesia

Sakriya Sath, Kathmandu, Nepal

Svilen Konov of the Plus and Minus Foundation, Varna, Bulgaria

Translations are provided by Spanish Concepts of San Francisco, California



The AIDS InfoNet is a project of the New Mexico AIDS Education and Training Center at the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center.


Partially funded by the National Library of Medicine

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