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Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

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Picture- Rocky Mountain Laboratory circa 1928, Hamilton, Montana
Rocky Mountain Laboratory, ca. 1928 Hamilton, Montana
(photo provided courtesy of Rocky Mountain Laboratories, NIAID, NIH, Hamilton, Montana)

Rocky Mountain spotted fever was first recognized in 1896 in the Snake River Valley of Idaho and was originally called "black measles" because of the characteristic rash. It was a dreaded and frequently fatal disease that affected hundreds of people in this area. By the early 1900s, the recognized geographic distribution of this disease grew to encompass parts of the United States as far north as Washington and Montana and as far south as California, Arizona, and New Mexico.

In response to this severe problem, the Rocky Mountain Laboratory was established in Hamilton, Montana. This facility is now a part of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health. Laboratory and epidemiologic studies were also carried out by the Communicable Disease Center (now the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC) and are still conducted by scientists in the Viral and Rickettsial Zoonoses Branch, Division of Viral and Rickettsial Diseases, National Center for Infectious Diseases, CDC.

Picture-Doctor Howard T. Ricketts
Dr. Howard Taylor Ricketts
(photo provided courtesy of Rocky Mountain Laboratories, NIAID, NIH, Hamilton, Montana)

Howard T. Ricketts was the first to establish the identity of the infectious organism that causes this disease. He and others characterized the basic epidemiologic features of the disease, including the role of tick vectors. Their studies found that Rocky Mountain spotted fever is caused by the bacterium, Rickettsia rickettsii. This species is maintained in nature in a complex life cycle involving ticks and mammals; humans are considered to be accidental hosts and are not involved in the natural transmission cycle of this pathogen. Tragically, Dr. Ricketts died of typhus (another rickettsial disease) in Mexico in 1910, shortly after completing his remarkable studies on Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

The name Rocky Mountain spotted fever is somewhat of a misnomer. Beginning in the 1930s, it became clear that this disease occurred in many areas of the United States other than the Rocky Mountain region. It is now recognized that this disease is broadly distributed throughout the continental United States, as well as southern Canada, Central America, Mexico, and parts of South America. Between 1981 and 1996, this disease was reported from every U.S. state except Hawaii, Vermont, Maine, and Alaska.

Picture- Chloramphenicol and tetracycline antibiotics used in the 1940's
Discovery of chloramphenicol and tetracycline antibiotics in the 1940s led to a sharp decline in RMSF-related mortality(photo provided courtesy of Rocky Mountain Laboratories, NIAID, NIH, Hamilton, Montana)

Rocky Mountain spotted fever remains a serious and potentially life-threatening infectious disease today. Despite the availability of effective treatment and advances in medical care, approximately 3% to 5% of individuals who become ill with Rocky Mountain spotted fever still die from the infection. However, effective antibiotic therapy has dramatically reduced the number of deaths caused by Rocky Mountain spotted fever; before the discovery of tetracycline and chloramphenicol in the late 1940s, as many as 30% of persons infected with R. rickettsii died.

Date last reviewed: 05/20/2005

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bullet Case Report Form Adobe Acrobat Reader
(1.2 MB, 3 pages)
Tick-Borne Rickettsial Disease Case Report. Use for reporting cases of RMS, HME, and HGE.
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