3-day Satellite Environment Plot

Proton Flux plot is GOES-11 data
Electron Flux and GOES Hp plots are GOES-12 and GOES-11 data

The Satellite Environment plot combines satellite and ground-based data as an overview of the current satellite envionment, particularly at geosynchronous altitude. Although these data are of interest to the satellite community, they do not include all parameters and energy ranges known to be associated with satellite anomalies.

August 26, 2008 -- Eclipse season for the GOES 11 and 12 spacecraft starts September 1 and will continue for about 40 days (October 10). Maximum daily outages will reach about 65 minutes in the middle of the eclipse season.

Other plots of interest: black background version of this plot; SWPC Real-time Monitors.

Scale labels in red indicate non-default scaling to include infrequent extreme values and emphasize the change in scale.

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NOAA / Space Weather Prediction Center