*EOO 1031 * EXHIBIT 5 PPOCIIAM EVALUATION Panel. Discussion Monday 8:00 a.m. January 20, 1975 Moderator: Gordon R. Engebretson, Ph.D. Deputy Director, Florida RMP Telephone: 813/253-0931 Member: Program Accountability Reporting A cooperative group from the RNP's formed to develop national descriptive and evaluative information about rNMP programs. Participants-. 0. Lynn Deniston, M.P.H. Program in Health Behavior, SPH 2 University of Michigan Telephone: 313/764-9494 Evaluation of Michigan program, and others Evelyn V. Hess, M.D., F.A.C.P. Professor of Medicine University of Cincinnati Medical Center Telephone: 513/872-4701 Developer ARA standard data program Carl W. Schwartz PIMA Health Systems Telephone: 602/881-4770 Evaluation of Arizona program and others This will.confim our telephone- conversations regarding the need for a panel discussion on program evaluation at the arthritis con erence in Kansas City, January 19 - 20. The panel is scheduled on the enclosed program for 8:00 a.m. Monday morning, January 20. This timing is poor with respect to the assistance with program evaluation factors which may be needed in the Sunday workshops. It is suitable, however, with respect to the crucial conference workshops schedulled immediately after the panel discussion. The experiences you individually encounter on Sunday may permit specific caimientary during the panel discussion with regar to substantive project evaluation, as distinct from overall arthritis program evaluation, or assessment limits.- Page 2 Background: The pressures under which the arthritis grant applications were developed contributed to a generally poor response to program eval- uation requirements. Lack of staff at DFI@01 prevents development of this program element. The rapid phaseout of DR,"fP, and the transitory position of the I,,',R"s makes foll-owup of arthritis program evaluation impossible. A meeting last November with representatives of the organizations which are sponsoring the conference resulted in consensus and agreement to convene the conference, seek to assure that the experiences of the grant program are documented, and reinforce the evaluation/assessment forces which exist. Panel Problems: What scale or intensity of evaluation is appropriate with regard to the various kinds of projects being undertaken? What scale, or intensity of assessment is appropriate with respect to the total program, or identifiable segments of it? How should these tasks be accomplished? What resources are available to undertake them? How reasonable are the costs involved? Commentary: I am enclosing for background two of the better suggestions for evaluation which were received in response to our call for stigges- tions last Fall (No. Carolina, and Colorado-14yoming). If any of you have material which might be helpful to project and program heads, you may wish to bring handouts (150 copies). We will have reproduction facilities at the conference, and the Kansas RMP will make its facili- ties available if you cannot bring copies.