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Natural Resource Lands in King County, Washington

Natural Area Rules
King County Natural Resource Lands Program

Natural Area Rules sign

King County Natural Area Rules as described on signage:

This site contains sensitive areas.
Please help protect this fagile resource by observing the following:

King County Code Chapter 7.12 - Rules for use of facility

  • No hunting or shooting.
  • Overnight camping and/or campfires prohibited.
  • Please don't litter. Pack out your trash.
  • Cutting, picking or destruction of trees, plant life or property is prohibited.
  • No motorized vehicles.
  • Please stay on trail.
  • Unauthorized trail construction prohibited.
  • Removal of any County property is prohibited.
  • Alcoholic beverages prohibited.
  • All fireworks prohibited.
  • Please keep pets on leash.
  • This area closed after dark.

Enjoy your visit.