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In Motion: The African American Migration Experience

To celebrate African American History Month, 2007, the National Library of Medicine has 28 full-color panels for public viewing from the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. The panels are on display the month of February in the lobby of the Library's Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications (Building 38A on the National Institutes of Health campus).

African Americans, perhaps more than any other populations in the Americas, have been shaped by migration. Their culture and history are the products of black peoples' various movements, coerced and voluntary, that started in the Western Hemisphere 500 years ago. This full color, 28-panel exhibition and a companion Web site, "In Motion: The African American Migration Experience," examine how African Americans, constantly in motion, have formed and transformed themselves and their landscape through migration. To view the Schomburg's online version of the "In Motion" exhibit go here: .

Exhibits Web Site

The images presented on these panels have been selected from the archives of the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. This is the seventh year that the National Library of Medicine has featured pictorial materials from the Schomburg collection.

Visitors to the National Library of Medicine (on the campus of the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland) are reminded that heightened security measures are in effect. Information about these is at

Note to teachers and administrators:

To arrange for a tour of the exhibition, please call Mr. David Nash, National Library of Medicine, 301-496-1046.


Last reviewed: 19 January 2007
Last updated: 19 January 2007
First published: 19 January 2007
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