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Standard Reference
Standard Interpretations referencing 1910.1200(g)
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# Title
 1  2007 - 03/07/2007 - Use of generic MSDSs written by third-party companies and employer responsiblities when using an online MSDS service.
 2  2005 - 04/27/2005 - Requirements for maintaining Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) for coal including coal dust, fly ash, and silica dust.
 3  2004 - 02/05/2004 - Material safety data sheet requirements for experimental chemical mixtures that are shipped off-site.
 4  2003 - 08/27/2003 - Current OSHA initiatives to improve quality of chemical hazard information provided to workers.
 5  2001 - 03/23/2001 - Storage of flammable liquids and corrosives in the same cabinet.
 6  1999 - 11/09/1999 - OSHA will not currently pursue a national MSDS repository.
 7  1999 - 05/28/1999 - Applicability of the Laboratory Standard; MSDS and labeling requirements.
 8  1999 - 04/21/1999 - Chemical suppliers must ensure downstream flow of hazard information (MSDSs).
 9  1999 - 04/05/1999 - Hazard communication requirements for diatomaceous earth.
 10  1999 - 02/18/1999 - Clarification of systems for electronic access to MSDSs.
 11  1994 - 11/29/1994 - Fall Protection at residential construction sites.
 12  1993 - 09/03/1993 - Solvents classified as a combustible liquid on the basis of the MSDS.
 13  1993 - 02/25/1993 - MSDS requirements for salt.
 14  1992 - 07/10/1992 - MSDS labelling requirements.
 15  1991 - 04/04/1991 - MSDS requirements for scrap materials
 16  1990 - 07/06/1990 - Interpretation on whether "an equivalent electronic information system" could be used in lieu of MSDSs to satisfy the HCS.
 17  1990 - 01/22/1990 - Hazard Communication Standard.
 18  1990 - 01/09/1990 - Procedures a demolition and salvage constructor could employ in lieu of providing material safety data sheets for specific metals.
 19  1989 - 08/07/1989 - Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) Material Safety Data Sheet Requirements for the Construction Industry.
 20  1989 - 07/20/1989 - Requirements for downstream transmission of material safety data sheets (MSDSs).
 21  1989 - 04/24/1989 - MSDS distribution requirements for chemical manufacturers and importers, distributors and retail distributors.
 22  1989 - 03/03/1989 - Distributor's and retailer's responsibilities for providing MSDSs.
 23  1989 - 02/17/1989 - Listing of decomposition products on MSDSs where they are present during normal use or only in the event of a fire.
 24  1989 - 02/15/1989 - Distributor of health care products would be a "distributor" rather than a "retail distributor" under the HCS.
 25  1989 - 01/13/1989 - Response to request for OSHA endorsement of a distributor's program for downstream transmittal of MSDSs.
 26  1988 - 10/24/1988 - Hazard determination and MSDS requirements under the Hazard Communication Standard (HCS).
 27  1988 - 05/12/1988 - Material Safety Data Sheet Requirements Under the Hazard Communication Standard.
 28  1988 - 04/21/1988 - Material safety data sheets for liquid plant food.
 29  1987 - 10/26/1987 - Labeling and MSDSs for a stump router cutter head which has carbide tips on the cutter teeth.
 30  1987 - 10/01/1987 - Retention requirements for superseded MSDSs.
 31  1986 - 02/14/1986 - MSDS should be distributed for welding wire containing hazardous chemicals.
 32  1984 - 09/25/1984 - Requirements for alternate warning methods, delays between filling and labeling a chemical container, and label identification of mixtures under HCS.

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