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United States National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

NLM releases 2004AA UMLS® including SNOMED CT®

SNOMED CT and RxNorm among vocabularies named federal government standards

HHS Secretary Thompson today announced that SNOMED CT is now available for download as part of NLM's Unified Medical Language System® (UMLS) Metathesaurus®. With the release of the 2004AA version of the UMLS, the Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT), produced by the College of American Pathologists, becomes available for free U.S. use under a license agreement concluded last year. Users must register via the Web for a free UMLS license before downloading the Metathesaurus or requesting a copy on DVD.

Secretary Thompson also announced 15 additional standards designated by the Consolidated Health Informatics (CHI) eGov initiative for use in the electronic exchange of clinical information across the federal government. SNOMED CT and the RxNorm clinical drug vocabulary developed by NLM were among vocabularies designated as standards. LOINC® (Logical Observations: Identifers, Names, Codes), which is developed by the Regentrief Institute and supported by NLM, was previously named as a CHI standard.


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Last updated: 28 July 2005
First published: 06 May 2004
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