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U S Department of Health and Human Services www.hhs.govOffice of Public Health and Science - The Federal Source for Women's Health Information Sponsored by the H H S Office on Women's Health
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Rural Women's Health Conference

Save the Date!
August 13 -15, 2007
Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington DC

Charting New Frontiers in Rural Women's Health

2007 Charting New Frontiers in Rural Women's Health

Registration and conference details:

For more information: Contact Barbara James (301) 443-4422, Anna Kindermann (301) 443-1383, or Calvin Teel (301) 443-4422.

Conference Purpose: The purpose of this conference is to share information and best practices to increase awareness of the needs of women and families living in rural and frontier areas and gain hands on experience with programs that work.

Target audiences: Rural health care professionals, providers, consumers, government agencies, rural communities, community leaders, community clinics and rural businesses, hospitals...etc.

Conference Goals: The goals of the conference are:

  • to present the latest sex- and gender-specific research and programs to improve the health status of women, especially rural women
  • to translate sex- and gender-specific research into clinical practice by sharing effective programs/tools to address the research and social concerns of women living in rural areas
  • to share with national and regional change agents strategies to enhance effective outreach to rural women and their families and increase support for women's programs and services
  • to provide hands-on workshops to teach participants how to implement programs in their own community

Conference features:

  • Photography contest featuring online submissions in two categories: rural health (including pictures of people and community health activities) and rural life (including landscapes and animals); and
  • Opportunity to earn continuing education credits as a result of conference participation.

Collaborating Partners: The National Community Centers of Excellence in Women's Health (CCOE), the Rural Frontier Coordinating Centers (RFCC), the Region VIII CoE Demonstration Projects (R8Demo), and the National Centers of Excellence in Women's Health (CoE). (The list will be expanded as we gain more partners.)

Current as of March 2007

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