Fermilab Friends for Science Education: Scholarships

Funding for professional development for teachers and enrichment for students such as doing science in the field is becoming increasingly difficult for schools. We also know that not all families have the opportunity to enroll students in science and math enrichment classes. Fermilab Friends for Science Education offers scholarships for teachers and families to attend teacher workshops, class field trips and student classes held at Fermilab.

Teachers may apply for a scholarship to attend workshops. Many allow them to receive free continuing education credits or for an additional fee, graduate credit. Some in the areas of physical science and prairie ecology involve curriculum units that they teach in the classroom and follow up with field trips to Fermilab.

While attending field trips is free of charge, we do know that some schools have difficulty funding transportation to Fermilab. Teachers may also apply for a scholarship for up to $100 in transportation reimbursement.

Families may apply for family vouchers for free classes through the Science Adventures program. Vouchers may be used for summer or school year classes.

Print out application forms for teacher workshops, field trip bus reimbursement, and family science adventures and send them to the address provided. Please note the application deadlines on the forms.

Check out the calendar of events offered at the Lederman Science Center.