Education Office: Robert Peterson

Robert Peterson is an Education Program Leader at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. Bob comes to the QuarkNet project with entrepreneur zeal, so he never misses an opportunity to talk up cosmic ray research for high school students. He came to the Education Office from Bartlett High School as a physics and engineering teacher where the challenges of the classroom convinced him there must be a better way. So, he's always glad to promote Inquiry Based learning as an alternative to text-book, rote education. Bob also knows the research world having worked on the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and basic research for the US Navy. Still, because he ran his own business, he leads with a marketing sense to win teachers over to a new way of being in the classroom.

When Bob plays, he goes to the water as a sailor, navigator, and naval architect, and he enjoys folk music playing guitar.

Bob's wife, retired from camp directing, manages the home front where his son lives and breaths baseball and Boy Scouts. The family enjoys camping together the most.

Fermilab Education Office ♦ P.O. Box 500, MS 226 ♦ Batavia, IL 60510-0500
630-840-3730 ♦ 630-840-8248 (FAX) ♦