Based on the FY 2006 Federal budget, the Office of Biological and Environmental Research’s Environmental Remediation Sciences Division (ERSD) was reorganized, consolidating two former research programs – the Natural and Accelerated Bioremediation Research (NABIR) program and the Environmental Management Science Program (EMSP).  This reorganization will result in a focusing of emphasis from the former research programs into the new Environmental Remediation Sciences Program (ERSP).  To reflect that focusing, ERSD has revised its Strategic Plan.  A draft version of that Plan is now posted on this website.  All interested parties are encouraged to read and review this Strategic Plan and to provide both technical and editorial feedback to ERSD.


The draft Strategic Plan is available in pdf format at:


New DRAFT Revised ERSD Strategic Plan (March 2006) New


(note due to its status as a draft document, the file is protected with access limitations)


Please provide input via e-mail* (please reference “ERSD Strategic Plan” in the Subject line) to:


J. Michael Kuperberg, Ph.D.

Acting Division Director

Environmental Remediation Sciences Division


*For alternate feed-back methods, please contact Ms. Judy Nusbaum at 301-903-4902.