Ten Questions For
Henry Paulson

Liz Moyer

As Washington spends the weekend hashing out the details of its massive bailout, here's what we want to know.

Small Loss, Big Week For Wall Street

Steve Schaefer

U.S. stocks end tumultuous five days with little apparent change. Yet much is different.

Google Phone In Sight

Mary Jane Irwin

Google's engineers have prototypes. Here is what we saw.

Big City Gets Small Winery

Eric Arnold

A new winery allows individuals to make private-label wines--and the concept could come to a city near you.

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Nouriel Roubini

Great Recession

The financial crisis cannot be contained.

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Claudia Rosett

Uncle Sam, Sugar Daddy

U.S. foreign policy has lost its moral clarity.

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Quentin Letts

The Intercoursal Sorbet

Gordon Brown's tenure as prime minister can be described as icy and--presumably--brief.

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Rich Karlgaard

Muddle Through, Part Three

America's economy has suffered a house shock, an oil shock and a financial earthquake. Yet we keep moving forward.

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Dan Gerstein

Lazy Faire

The market meltdown should help Obama--if he acts quickly.

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Robyn Meredith

Chinese Fireworks, Russian Guns

Two Cold War U.S. enemies take radically different paths.

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Thomas Cooley

Hamilton's Bones

The 74th Treasury secretary rides roughshod over the first.

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Richard Epstein

The Libertarian Manifesto

Say yes to laissez-faire--and no to populist pablum.

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Melik Kaylan

Bob Dylan In Baghdad

A Western export Iraqis would love.

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Brian S. Wesbury and Bob Stein

Don't Worry

...and if you're not in banking, you might even be happy.

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Meet this week's featured expert:

featured expert

Marc Compeau
Entrepreneurship Professor, Clarkson University School Of Business


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Featured Question

Question: I own a small Telco business and I am looking for funding options. We have been in business for 3 years and posted a profit last year on about 400k gross revenue. I am looking for good small business funding sources, and I'm open to all options. I am also considering selling some shares of my company. Can anyone recommend firms that do business valuations?
Answer: Many states have development agencies that provide funds under very, very favorable terms ( I know the ones in Connecticut if it's relevant to you). There are both Angel money and VC money if you can demonstrate a unique value. There are banking companies (like Horizon Tech & Silicon Valley Bank) that can provide debt financing and that understand small, start-up businesses ( I have contacts for them, if it's relevant to you). In some locals, there are some more agressive banks that will debt finance smaller early stage companies (HBSC comes to mind in the NJ,NY,CT area).
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