Press Room


December 22, 2003

Treasury Urges UN to Designate Terrorist Organizations Avoiding International Sanctions

Today, the United States and Saudi Arabian governments are asking the UN 1267 Sanctions Committee to list Vazir, a non-governmental organization located in Travnik, Bosnia, as an aka for Al Haramain-Bosnia.  In addition, we are asking the Committee to add Safet Durguti, the representative of this organization, to their list of persons and entities tied to al-Qaida, subject to international sanctions under UNSCRs 1256, 1333, and 1390.


In addition, the United States is designating Hochburg AG as an aka for BA Taqwa.  BA Taqwa was designated by the U.S. and added to the UN 1267 Sanctions Committee in 2002 because Youssef Nada, a Specially Designated Global Terrorist, had a controlling interest in BA Taqwa.  Nada maintains an ongoing interest in the liquidation of Hochburg.


“These designations signal that we continue to track terrorist targets and designated persons who attempt to evade the international sanctions regime,” stated Deputy Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing Juan Zarate. “It further indicates that international cooperation on all fronts is a necessary and ongoing component of the long-term campaign  against terrorist financing.”








On March 13, 2002, the UN 1267 Sanctions Committee listed the Bosnian branch of Al Haramain, a Saudi-based charity, as an organization with ties to al-Qaida, subject to sanctions under UNSCRs 1267, 1333, and 1390.  This branch office was submitted to the UN 1267 Sanctions Committee jointly by the United States and the government of Saudi Arabia.  (The U.S. Government designated Al-Haramain-Sarajevo, Bosnia for asset-freeze pursuant to U.S. Executive Order 13224 on March 11, 2002.) 


The U.S. Government has information establishing that Al Haramain resumed operation in Travnik, Bosnia under a new name, Vazir.  After the Bosnia branch of Al Haramain was designated in March 2002, Al Haramain officials closed its Bosnian operations.  Officials in Bosnia, persuaded senior Al Haramain officials to reopen the organization under a different name in Travnik, Bosnia


The new non-governmental organization, Vazir, was founded in May 2003, and its leadership and mandates have been established since that time. Vazir established its headquarters in a business space formerly used by Al Haramain.  The Ministry of Justice and Administration for the Central Bosnian canton registered Vazir on June 11, 2003, as an association for sport, culture, and education. The office opened under the name Vazir in early August 2003.


Safet Durguti was appointed as the representative of Vazir.  The Al Haramain and Vazir legal, banking and registration documentation all have Durguti's involvement in common.  Durguti re-opened the Vazir office in the same location as the former office of Al Haramain.




Hochburg, AG (“Hochburg”), located in Vaduz, Liechtenstein, is the successor organization to BA Taqwa for Commerce and Real Estate Company Limited (“BA Taqwa”), an entity previously named a Specially Designated Global Terrorist (“SDGT”) on August 29, 2002 by the U.S. Department of the Treasury.  The UN 1267 Sanctions Committee added BA Taqwa to its consolidated asset-freeze list on September 3, 2002.


The official corporate registry of Liechtenstein indicates that BA Taqwa (registration number 245/15) was renamed Hochburg AG on January 28, 2002


Youssef Nada, an SDGT whose controlling interest in BA Taqwa resulted in its initial designation, maintains an ongoing interest in the liquidation of Hochburg. Nada was one of two liquidators for the company as of June 2, 2002.  Nada was designated an SDGT on November 6, 2001.  [Note: Liechtenstein has since removed Nada from his position as liquidator of Hochburg.]


Hochburg and BA Taqwa share the same business registration number. Publicly available commercial reporting substantiates Hochburg’s status as BA Taqwa’s successor. This reporting lists Nada as one of the liquidators of Hochburg and provides a business registration number identical to that of BA Taqwa (245/15).




