BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Bulgaria Local time: 06:06 AM

IIBC Amsterdam

IBC International Broadcasting Convention 2008

Name event: IBC 2008
Date: September 12-16, 2008
Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands

The International Broadcasting Convention, will be showcasing the latest technology and foremost business ideas in broadcasting and media. With 47,000 attendees from more than 120 countries, IBC is the leading event in Europe for professionals involved in the creation, management and delivery of entertainment content. This 12-hall exhibition, with more than 1,200 of the industry's leading companies exhibiting, offers great business to business and networking opportunities.

The U.S. Commercial Service will be present at IBC 2008 to provide commercial support to U.S. exhibitors and to international buyers and companies seeking new U.S. products and services to purchase or represent. The Commercial Service offers pre-show matchmaking services to identify international partners, as well as on-site counseling during the show days.

Please contact Commercial Specialist Ms. Stanislava Dimitrova at email: or at +359 2 939 5740.