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Armenia’s Regional Print Media Bolstered

A competitive media sector not only helps to ensure public awareness, but can also spur the growth of democracy by increasing civic participation and responsiveness. As part of its objective to improve democratic governance in Armenia, USAID is working to strengthen the media sector in the country as a reliable source of objective information.

In addition to supporting the development of independent news media through technical assistance and training in management and journalism, USAID is working with the Eurasia Foundation (EF) to provide financing for an independent printing press as an alternative to the state-run newspapers.

The new grant will help six regional newspapers improve quality of content, strengthen financial viability and increase circulation
The new grant will help six regional newspapers improve quality of content, strengthen financial viability and increase circulation

Independent coverage is particularly important for informing Armenia’s rural communities, which rely on regional media for news about domestic and international developments. Through core financial support from USAID, the EF’s Representative Office in Armenia awarded more than $70,000 to six regional newspapers to improve their financial sustainability and increase their circulation. The outlets, located in the Shirak, Syunik, Lori and Gegharkunik regions, will develop improved retail and subscription systems and strengthen partnerships for information exchange with peer newspapers in Armenia.

The awardees will implement a range of activities including the development of marketing and advertising strategies and the creation of public forums to improve the flow of information between the newspapers and community members. In some communities, special “Reader Stands” will be installed to publicize the contents of upcoming newspaper issues. Additionally, web-based versions of select newspapers will be created.

“Strong and independent print media outlets in Armenia’s regions are critical to keeping rural communities informed about both local and national events. By providing support and training to Armenia’s regional newspapers, the program hopes to improve their quality and content as well as their ability to be financially viable through increased circulation and advertisements,” says Juliet Stein, EF’s Deputy Country Director in Armenia.

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Mon, 03 Dec 2007 13:00:06 -0500