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Leading Moldovan Woman Leaders Visit the United States

Ten women parliamentarians and one political leader from the Republic of Moldova, representing each of that nation’s major political parties, visited the United States in January for high-level U.S. government meetings and discussions.

The visit, which was coordinated by the International Republican Institute (IRI) and funded with USAID’s support, was geared toward giving these political leaders a first- hand experience with lawmakers, high level government decision makers and distinguished members of the academic community.

This exchange trip allowed the Moldovan leaders a chance to visit with their counterparts in the United States and share best practices, as well as give insightful critiques of their countries’ priorities.  

Among the issues discussed during their visit, the Moldovans expressed their interest in U.S. government assistance to help facilitate the withdrawal of Russian troops from the Transniestria region, and Moldova’s desires to continue to receive technical and financial assistance from the U.S. to promote political, governance, and economic reforms.

The visit, which was conducted under the program “Strengthening Democratic Political Activism,” offered these leaders an up-close and personal look at the inside of the American political process, with round table discussions with government agencies, private companies and non-governmental organizations.

USAID’s Bureau for Europe & Eurasia sponsored a lively roundtable discussion focused on the most important issues facing Moldova today in their transition from a communist country to a democracy, such as trafficking in persons, sustainable economic growth, political stability and energy issues.  The Moldovan women asked detailed questions regarding USAID funding in their country, and addressed issues they felt were important to discuss with USAID headquarters in Washington, D.C.  In addition, the State Department organized a comprehensive roundtable discussion with the U.S. policy makers.

During the discussion at USAID, Brock Bierman, Chief of Staff for the Bureau and moderator of the panel, stated that the U.S. government is very supportive of their efforts to exchange opinions, share ideas for assistance and most importantly, build on their country’s support of democracy. 

After a week in Washington, the group traveled to the State of Michigan to gain first- hand knowledge from key local government and political party leaders.  During their visit to Michigan they had a chance to visit Republican and Democrat parties’ headquarters, as well as meet with State Representatives Bill Caul and Tom Pierce.

Upon returning home to Chisinau, Moldova, the women gathered for a post-trip roundtable discussion.  They shared their experiences of the political study program in the U.S., and expressed their intentions to put the democratic skills they gained in Washington, D.C. and Michigan into practice in the Moldovan Parliament.

Briefing at the State Department with officers from Trafficking in Persons, DRL, and International Women's Issues offices Moldovan delegation meets Dallas Lawrence, Director, Office of Community Relations and Public Liaison, DOD
Briefing at the State Department with officers from Trafficking in Persons, DRL, and International Women’s Issues offices  - Charlotte Ponticelli, Director, G/Office of International Women’s Issues, Megan Hall, G/TIP, Alan Norman, EUR, Sally Buikema, DRL/SEA, Jonathan Bemis, DRL/CRA, and Catherine Kuchta-Helbling, DRL/PHD Moldovan delegation meets Dallas Lawrence, Director, Office of Community Relations and Public Liaison, DOD
Delegation leaders Galina Balmos, from the Communist Party, and Vitalia Pavlicenco, from Our Moldova Alliance Party, gives an interview to local media from Lansing, MI Moldovan delegation meets NDI Deputy Director Laura Jewett, Senior Program Officer Edmund Rhoads, and Program Officer Veronica Pollock
Delegation leaders Galina Balmos, from the Communist Party, and Vitalia Pavlicenco, from Our Moldova Alliance Party, gives an interview to local media from Lansing, MI Moldovan delegation meets NDI Deputy Director Laura Jewett, Senior Program Officer Edmund Rhoads, and Program Officer Veronica Pollock
Moldovan parliamentarians visited the National Federation of Republican Women
Moldovan parliamentarians visited the National Federation of Republican Women,
where they met with the President Beverly Davis and Political Director Melanie Sanchez

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Fri, 02 May 2008 12:27:20 -0500