Press Room


March 26, 2002


Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill today announced that Mark Weinberger, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Tax Policy, plans to leave government service in mid-April.

Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill made the following comments:

I am extremely appreciative of the sacrifices Mark has made to head our tax policy efforts in one of the most prolific times in the tax area in memory. With four young children at home, he now deserves to spend some much-needed quality time with them and his wife Nancy.

Mark's policy sense and technical expertise have been invaluable to Treasury. His management style and drive for results is refreshing.

Mark joined Treasury's Office of Tax Policy with three goals in mind-to pass the Presidents tax bill, build a world-class team in the Office of Tax Policy and improve the guidance process. He met those goals and had several other impressive accomplishments as well.

Mark played a critical role in the enactment of the President's tax plan last year, the largest tax cut in decades. His close collaboration with the IRS ensured that our unprecedented decision to send out nearly 100 million advance refund checks last summer went off without a hitch.

Mark has brought a sense of real world management experiences to the department that has had a significant impact on the updating and improvement of the IRS guidance process. Mark's shop, working with the IRS, has delivered a number of meaningful guidance projects aimed at reducing controversies, simplifying taxpayer compliance and freeing up IRS resources.

Mark also worked tirelessly in the international area, updating and expanding our treaty networks and negotiating our first tax information exchange agreements in over a decade.

After September 11th, Mark worked closely with the IRS to ensure that those affected by the terrorist attacks didn't have to worry about meeting their tax deadlines when more pressing matters deserved attention. More than a dozen guidance items were issued at record speed to help those taxpayers in need. He also worked with Congress to pass the Victims Tax Relief Bill.

Mark worked with Capitol Hill lawmakers as they considered the Administration's proposals on retirement security, national energy policy, charitable giving and economic stimulus.

Mark has made an exceptional contribution to the Office of Tax Policy and the Treasury Department as a whole.

The President and I are grateful for his public service, as should be all American taxpayers.