CSD Molecular Bioscience and Biotechnology GroupCSD OrganizationContact ListSearchOther Links

Selected Research and Development  Projects

The Molecular Bioscience and Biotechnology Group at Oak Ridge National Laboratory is focused on understanding molecular processes of biological systems and their potential long-term implications for technology development. The capabilities of the group consist of state-of-the-art facilities for understanding the chemical and physical principles of biological systems.

The group has recognized expertise in the molecular processes of photosynthesis and renewable hydrogen and oxygen production. In addition, the group's facilities and expertise enable characterization of molecules and micro/nano structures by a variety of scanning probe microscopies such as near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM), scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), magnetic force microscopy (MFM), electric force microscopy (EFM), and Kelvin probe force microscopy (KFM). The group also has recognized capabilities in genetic engineering of prokaryotic and eucaryotic algae, Gram positive and Gram negative microorganisms and yeast, strain development, biosensors, international technology transfer and liposome mediated delivery.

For more information, contact Eli Greenbaum at (865) 574-6835 or greenbaume@ornl.gov.

CSD Organization - Research Groups

               Provided by Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Chemical Sciences Division                             Rev:    -