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Corporate Fellows Council

The Corporate Fellows Council of Oak Ridge National Laboratory consists of the active ORNL staff members who have been designated corporate fellows and senior corporate fellows. Thomas J. Wilbanks is chair of the council; Kenneth Tobin is the vice-chair.

The roles of the corporate fellows are the following:

  • to articulate the ideas and concerns of the ORNL scientific and technical staff regarding objectives and directions of the Laboratory,
  • to advise ORNL management on specific scientific and technological issues and opportunities, and
  • to serve as a channel for communication between ORNL scientific and technical staff and ORNL senior management.

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Oak Ridge National Laboratory is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC., for the U.S. Department of Energy.
This web site is a server of ORNL's Honors and Awards Program

Information Owner: Phil King
Last Revised: December 2003Thursday, 07-Dec-2006 07:23:50 EST