USDA Forest Service


State And Private Forestry

US Forest Service
Northern Region
State and Private Forestry
P.O. Box 7669
Missoula, MT 59807

US Forest Service
Intermountain Region
State and Private Forestry
324 25th Street
Ogden, UT 84401


United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

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Intermountain and Northern Regions

Reforestation, Nurseries, and Genetic Resources Program


What is the Reforestation, Nurseries, and Genetic Resources Program?

  • Provides high quality seedlings for reforestation and afforestation from known seed sources for plantings on state and private lands
  • Provides timely information and technical assistance to landowners for proper planting and care of seedlings
  • Establishes genetically superior certified seed orchards for future plantings on state and private lands
  • Supports current technology transfer between the Forest Service and State Foresters and others

How is the program delivered?

State Foresters and their staff deliver this program.


Key Partners


  • State Foresters


  • National Resources Conservation Services (NRCS)
  • Forest industries
  • Cooperative Extension Service
  • Forest Service Nurseries
  • Nursery associations
  • Universities
  • Tribes
  • RC&Ds
  • Consulting Foresters

Opportunities for National Forests and Grasslands

  • Knowledge exchange with all of the above partners
  • Sharing of genetically improved seedlings for establishing certified seed orchards
  • Participation in tree improvement organizations, such as the Inland Empire Tree Improvement Cooperative

Program Coordinator for ID, MT, NV, ND, UT

For further assistance contact Dee Sessions.

US Forest Service - State and Private Forestry - Intermountain and Northern Regions

USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.