US Forest Service

Intermountain Region


US Forest Service

324 25th Street
Ogden, UT 84401

(801) 625-5306


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Special Uses

Special use authorizations provide use of the National Forest System lands for a wide variety of activities. Authorizations are issued for the private sector to supply recreation services, facilities and access to public lands. Many agreements both public and private exist between the Forest Service and various business groups or individual proprietors that provide profitable recreation facilities, services and opportunities on National Forests. There are approximately 3,661 special use permit holders operating in the Intermountain Region today. Ski areas, marinas, resorts, outfitter and guide operations, campground and picnic concession areas are all examples of the types of commercial activities that are provided through special use permits.


US Forest Service - Intermountain Region
Last Modified: Thursday, 13 March 2008 at 13:09:12 EDT

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