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About the Program

ORNL's Electric Transmission and Distribution (ETD) Program directs the Lab's work for DOE's new Office of Electricity Delivery & Energy Reliability (OE). Following the Northeastern Power Outage of August 14, 2003, the issues to be addressed by this DOE office have received considerable attention, and their importance has been underscored.

The ETD Program is responsible for program direction, technical and business management, and program development for ORNL's research and development for OE. The OE R&D portfolio includes

  • high-temperature superconductivity systems;
  • transmission reliability;
  • power electronics, sensors and controls for high-voltage applications;
  • electricity storage; and
  • the integration of this equipment into the transmission and distribution grid.

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Oak Ridge National Laboratory, one of the Department of Energy's multiprogram national research and development facilities,
is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005 1:47 PM