big sagebrush

Plants: Hardwood Trees
Magnoliopsida > Asterales > Asteraceae > Artemisia tridentata Nutt

26 records

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Image Descriptor Description Photographer
1358179 Flower(s) Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte
1459920 Flower(s) Steve Dewey
5227034 Foliage Richard Old
1358187 Foliage Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte
1358177 Foliage Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte
1358181 Foliage Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte
5366123 Foliage K. George Beck & James Sebastian
5366122 Infestation

 stand of big sagebrush

K. George Beck & James Sebastian
5374273 Infestation Joseph M. DiTomaso
5374274 Plant(s)

in flower

Joseph M. DiTomaso
5374275 Plant(s)


Joseph M. DiTomaso
1215033 Plant(s) single plant in typical habitat Dave Powell
5366124 Plant(s)

New growth

K. George Beck & James Sebastian
1358182 Plant(s) Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte
1358183 Plant(s) Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte
1358184 Plant(s) Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte
1358186 Plant(s) Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte
1358178 Plant(s) Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte
1358180 Plant(s) Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte
1358188 Plant(s) Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte
1358189 Plant(s) Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte
1358190 Plant(s) Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte
5227036 Plant(s) Richard Old
5227037 Plant(s) Richard Old
5359316 Plant(s)

Big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata).

Howard F. Schwartz
5227035 Stem(s) Richard Old

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