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PHIN Conference, August 2008, Atlanta, GA

Achintya N. Dey, Peter Hicks, Matthew Miller
Automated Monitoring of Injuries Due to Falls Using the BioSense System PPT Icon

Melissa Bundy, Lourdes Martinez-Cox
BioSense Training: Soup to Nuts A Progress Report PPT Icon

Patrick Minor, Roseanne English, Jerome Tokars
Representativeness of Emergency Department Data Reported to the BioSense System PPT Icon

Stephen. Benoit, Nikolay Lipskiy, Roseanne English, Jerome Tokars
Laboratory Positive Clostridium difficile: BioSense 2007 PPT Icon

Nikolay Lipskiy, Jerome Tokars, Stephen R. Benoit, Roseanne English, Sundak Ganesan
Implementation of national standards (LOINC, SNOMED) for electronic reporting of laboratory results: BioSense experience PPT Icon

Craig Hales, Roseanne English, Paul McMurray, Michelle N. Podgornik, Steve Bloom, Jerome Tokars
The BioSense Influenza Module PPT Icon

Real Time, Real Talk Teleconference, March 20, 2008

Gabriel Rainisch, MPH
Use of BioSense during the Southern California Wildfires PPT Icon

COTPER Seminar, March 20, 2008, Atlanta, GA

Dr. Leslie Lenert, MD, MS
Biosense: Collaborative Real Time Surveillance of the Nation’s Healthcare System (March 20, 2008) PPT Icon

HIMSS Conference, February 2008, Orlando, FL

Dr. Leslie Lenert, MD, MS
Exchange of Health Information Between Public Health and Clinical Care PPT Icon

Archived Presentations and Posters: 

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About BioSense

Safer Healthier People

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Rd, Atlanta, GA 30333, U.S.A
Tel: (404) 639-3311 / Public Inquiries: (404) 639-3534 / (800) 311-3435