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Application Access & Support

Application Access
User Guide
Contact information


Application Access

How do I get access?

Every state and local public health department has a BioSense administrator responsible for granting access to the application and the appropriate data.

  • State level users are granted access to view BioSense data from their state

  •  Local public health users are granted access only to the cities or metropolitan reporting areas (MRAs) within their jurisdiction.
Each healthcare system transmitting real-time data through BioSense also has a BioSense administrator who is responsible for granting access to the application for users within the hospital.


  • Local users whose jurisdictions do not fall within a BioSense MRA can be granted access to state or zip code level data if approved by the state BioSense administrator. In addition, user-requested customized metropolitan areas or regions can be created using sets of zip codes.
To obtain the contact information for the appropriate BioSense administrator for your jurisdiction, send an email request to

What is the process for obtaining access?

Upon approval from the local BioSense administrator, a user must apply for a digital certificate, be granted access, and may log on to BioSense via CDC’s Secure Data Network (SDN).

What is the Secure Data Network (SDN)?

The SDN ensures that the parties who access any sensitive electronic transaction are who they claim to be. It supports bilateral authentication in which both users and programs can be certain that they are connected to or are communicating with the correct uniquely identified individual or entity, and it provides for multi-step electronic trust relations supported by industry-standard Certificate Authority services.

Users guide

This users’ guide is intended for public health department and hospital staff who are currently monitoring data in BioSense.

PDF Icon CDC BioSense VA, Dod, LabCorp Data User Guide v2.05  (August 2006)

PDF Icon CDC BioSense Hospital Data User Guide v2.11  (November 2007)

PDF Icon BioSense Technical Overview Document  (June 2008)

User Support Contact information

In addition to training, user support is available. Users can get help for technical problems with the BioSense application. In addition, subject matter expertise is available for help with analysis and interpretation of the data and help for problems related to the SDN is available.

  • Contact the Help Desk if you require BioSense technical support.
    BioSense Technical Help Desk: 1-800-532-9929.

  • Contact the Help Email if you require subject matter expertise regarding BioSense. BioSense Help Email Address:

  • Contact SDN Support if you are having problems related to the Secure Data Network or your digital certificate: 800-532-9929 or 770-234-6585;
Page Last Modified: August 4, 2008
  • Email this page

About BioSense

Safer Healthier People

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Rd, Atlanta, GA 30333, U.S.A
Tel: (404) 639-3311 / Public Inquiries: (404) 639-3534 / (800) 311-3435