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National Alcohol and Drug Addiction. Recovery Month 2007. Join the Voices for Recovery. Saving Lives, Saving Dollars.
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Recovery Month Community Events

Recovery Rally, KY

National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month is Celebrated

On September 27, 2007, over one hundred and thirty-five people gathered at the Somerset Town Square to celebrate the successes of individuals who are recovering from alcohol and drug addiction. Judge David Tapp spoke at the event and offered support to those who are battling addiction and are on the road of recovery. Several people shared their personal stories of the struggles and the successes they have experienced as a result of their addiction and commitment to recovery from addiction. The Recovery Rally is an annual event which is coordinated by volunteers in the community and is supported by local organizations which promote addiction recovery. We plan to continue to hold the Rally each year to recognize the triumphs of those individuals who are committed to a life of sobriety and wellness.